April 03, 2014

We are UGRADers, Big World is not that Big

What is UGRAD?

     Sponsored by the U.S Department of State and World Learning Organization, UGRAD is a short-term exchange scholarship program which provides a unique opportunity for undergraduates from all around the world to study in universities throughout America for one semester or one year. Its full name is "Global Undergraduate Exchange Program". The vision of this program is to promote international collaboration amongst youths worldwide who are prospective leaders in their countries, to enable them to gain new knowledge and skills so that they can apply those upon returning to their home countries, and to better understand the U.S society and value through participation in various events during their exposure in the program.  Below are UGRAD nominees from 17 countries in Central America and East Asia. They will share their experiences gained while studying in the U.S, perspectives on the world (how theirs have changed since they come to the U.S), and reasons why they decided to participate in this program. [The order will be arranged alphabetically according to the initial letter of their country.]

     "The sole reason I like going on an exchange program abroad is because I am sure I can change myself for a better me. Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD 2014) has provided me with priceless array of experience that could not be obtained somewhere else. I would like to say AWESOME UGRAD"~ Sovannara Uk, UGRAD grantee from Cambodia

     "I used to dream of flying to the US one week before I got selected in the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program. That dream came true to me, actually. I am finally here in Utica College, NY, USA. I am fortunate to experience such great educational system in a giant country about which I have ever dreamed. I cannot find any words to describe my feeling at the moment. I am grateful to my colleagues, friends and family back there in my home country, Cambodia, who are always by my side, encourage and inspire me to come to this far out of my comfort zone. This is a big accomplishment in life. Still should I keep making my dreams come true and never stop growing."~ Meas Chansatya, UGRADer from Cambodia

     "I’m so blessed to be a UGRADer, be a member of this lovely international family! Because of World Learning, I got the precious chance to come and study in the States, which allows me a broader perspective to see the world and give me chances to make international friends, to learn amazing stories behind them. In this workshop, I was inspired by all UGRADers’ passion and care for their countries, for the world. I saw all the beautiful hearts and was amazed how we were related to each other and developed friendship in such short 3 days! Since then, we are not alone because we have a big family to support each other! We gonna bring lights and hopes back home and make a difference from where we are!"~Yanyang Dong, UGRAD successful candidate from China

     "I am so grateful I have met so many beautiful people. And I want to let you know that you have another home and a nice friend in China! Please remember our great mission: the constructor and the leader of the earth village in the future ! "~Zhang Yang, UGRADer from China

     "The UGRAD experience is a great opportunity for self-discovery and development of elements that will contribute to our search for an integral growth as citizens of our countries and professionals. This experience besides being a blessing, it has been a challenge that demands our utmost dedication. There is no way to describe UGRAD in one single word. It is a component involving academic, socio-cultural, and personal aspects, as well as challenges and opportunities for success. UGRAD is a door opened to our personal growth and professional success. UGRAD is at the same time my new family."~Fabricio Chavarria, UGRAD winner from El Salvador

     "I had always wanted to have the experience of studying abroad, meeting new people, and speaking a foreign language. However, I was afraid of leaving home; being apart from my family, friends, language and everything I knew kept me away from my dream. Till one day I firmly decided that this situation was not going to become an obstacle in my life and I applied for the opportunity World Learning was providing me. At that time I did not know that I became part of a worldwide Upgraders’ family. Now I can say that I do not regret having taken a step forward. Thanks to this experience I have learned cultures, people, ways of thinking, new environments, professors, and historic places of the United States. For that reason I encourage all of you to take that step forward, pushing fears out of your life in order to reach your goals. That is what the World Learning experience has taught me."~Ana del Pilar Moscoso CaƱellas, UGRAD successful candidate from Guatemala

"My Life Changes! That's how I can describe my journey as ambassador in UGRAD World Learning. I learnt a lot and grew up during those months. I am glad to be part of this family from all around the world."~Rhandy Pierre Louis, UGRAD grantee from Haiti 

     "Being a UGRAD student has been one of the best experiences of my life. Since I came to the United States, I’ve had the opportunity to make new friends, travel to many different places, improve my English, and share my culture with other American and international students. I feel that have grown professionally and personally in many aspects of my life such as developing a stronger sense of mutual understanding, cooperative work, community service, and leadership. I’m very excited to apply the new knowledge that I have acquired during my exchange program in positive ways so that I can contribute to the betterment of our global village."~Emilio Sanchez, UGRAD nominee from Honduras

     "Hello, potential UGRAD grantees from all over the world! Instead of saying “I did it.”, I’d love to say that ‘we did it!”. My presence in the land of dreams – USA – would never come into reality if it wasn’t because of the endless supports and prayers of my family, my friends, and everyone who came to awareness that this journey was important. There are some little advices I could give to you, all of the potential grantees of UGRAD in the future, that confidence and patience during selection process are super essential attitudes to the success of your scholarship. Write your application forms attentively and honestly, explore your thoughts towards current situation and happenings, and be sure to have plans of ways to help develop your country upon the scholarship completion (no need to be massive ones). I may not be able to guarantee you a success if you do my steps but at least it is worth trying, right? Good luck for you all and always be a positive influence for people around us!"~Dery Rovino Anwar, UGRAD grantee from Indonesia  

     "Global UGRAD is not only about exploring US culture but also cultures of others. Through this experience, I have learnt so much from people whom I met, places that I had visited and most importantly the adventures that I went on. You will realized that the world isn’t such a big place afterall and there is always so much more that you can achieve, accomplish and discover. Definitely one of the best experience of my life."~ Jacqueline Choo, UGRADer from Malaysia

     ''When I was child, I was a crazy reader of stories. I dreamt of visiting a different world where I could see people who live differently and think differently. Finding a meaning of life always fascinated me and I wandered and waited to know what life means. It is said that when you travel, you start knowing yourself. Eight Thousand miles away from home, I found who I am. I found that I can be happy even at odd times and worries are nothing in front of smile. I grew, I knew, I learned, I am learning. That’s what explains my ‘Global Under Graduate Exchange Semester’ experience. Malik Khalil, a Global UGrad participant from Pakistan who can either be found sleeping or eating at odd times."~ Khalil Ullah, UGRAD winner from Pakistan

     "Being a UGRADer and representing Panama for the first time in the University of Southern Indiana is one of the most amazing experience in my life. I started the process to get this scholarship enthusiastically and I was always positive. Those were best tools to be in he place where I am now. I  have so many friends all over the world, and we all are a huge family. This experience has changed my life in a positive way, Thanks to each person who helps me during my time in USA. World learning staffs, you have a special part in my heart."~ Deysi Lopez, UGRAD grantee from Panama

     "What is it needed to be a UGRADer? Walt Disney once said “if you can dream it, you can do it.” Everything starts with a dream. All of us, as part of the Global Undergraduate exchange program, started with a single goal: to be selected to study a year or semester in the United States. We never imagined all the challenges we would face, nor did we think about all the good experiences we would gain. After several months of hard work and perseverance, we see the world in a different and more significant way. We have demonstrated ourselves that we are entailed with the necessary tools we need to succeed. Now, we are about to leave to our home countries, but we have learned that there is nothing impossible and that we are able to proudly wave our flags wherever we go. New generations of UGRAD fellows are coming, and all I can say to those who wants to be part of it is that the first step is to start dreaming. That’s how we all began, and those dreams led us to be where we are. Dreams+Goals+Passion= Global UGRAD Exchange program; this is the perfect formula to become a UGRADer."~ Jorge Pitti, UGRAD grantee from Panama


     These experiences are inspiring, aren't they? Well, without their contribution, together with a golden opportunity offered by the U.S Department of State and World Learning, there will be no such inspiring story.  Every year, this scholarship program recruits hundreds of potential students [undergraduate level] worldwide to study in the U.S and bring back to their countries with them priceless experiences. An old saying goes: "TODAY YOUTH IS TOMORROW LEADER."