June 16, 2012

Start first, see your result later

                   “A good author spent so much time on                                                                                                                      practicing writing before s/he could produce a good book.”

“Again! Tomorrow we have a writing test again? Oh, ma god! I will fail” are common phrases I always heard. Many students always complain that writing is very difficult. They do not know how to start writing their sentences. Well, I believe that it is difficult when starting writing for the first time. But the key point to bear in mind is that “Practice makes perfect”. No one is born a writer. We have to learn day by day, week by week, month by month, or year by year. We have to start from the very zero point. If we don’t even know how to stand, it is impossible that we can walk, let alone run. Similarly, to be good writers, we have to start writing about what we like and what is simple first. We can write about something we know, what we like and dislike, what we have undergone in our childhood, or the like. The following passage is what I wrote for the first time

Alone again that night, sitting on a blue, four-leg, plastic chair, watching bunches of stars glimmering and   spreading through the sky over his head, and typing on his personal computer ,with an earphone attaching to it simultaneously, on the roof on his house, Pharith, known as a handsome man at ITC, felt great. The cold, soft wind blew on his half-top-bared body made him feel as if he were walking on the beach walking hand-to-hand with his 100-year prospective friend. The light from the windows of his neighbors’ houses shone on his thin, pale face made him felt missing his past back when he sat on the balcony of his country house watching the moon while his mother was persuading him to have dinner- she always told him that if he did not eat, the moon would take his turn. The sound of music to which he was listening made him missed his youngster-friends who usually sang karaoke with him during spare time. Everything around him at that time was touching his hands leading him to a realm of his past; everything that passed by seemed alive to him.

“The world seems to be full of intriguing things that I do not expect that I will encounter all of them in my lifespan. For these 21 years that I have been living, I do know that I know very little- I can say one-third of 0.000000001 things existing in this world, if not nothing,” he said. “To say this reminds me of a great man, Alexander the Great. He said he was so disappointed with his very short live. Do you know why??? Well… Had you read the book about him,” he continued, “you would know the reason why he said so. Frankly, I read his book six months ago, and it was amazing. He was the student of the great philosopher Plato. He ruled nearly half of the earth; his ambition was to control the world but he could not. Before he died he said there were many stars in the universe, but he could not wield his power over even a single one. Mmmmm,,.. How a wise man he was!! Some of you may say that he was avaricious, and so were I if I had not read about him. I recommend you read about him if you want to discover the truth. But I bet you will change your mind and admire him for his great and sage action.” 

I started writing from very simple thing like this. I tried to think about my childhood, how I felt, and what the atmosphere was. I also invented a story illustrating what I thought. I didn't care how it was; I just express my feeling. This is what I want to share you about. I sincerely hope that you, after reading this article, will spend some of your free times writing about what you feel comfortable. Remember that “A good author spent so much time on practicing writing before s/he could produce a good book.”

1 comment:

  1. I hope that this article can at least motivate you to write.
