July 27, 2012

Institue of Foreign Languages (IFL), RUPP

Have you ever dreamed of entering the most prestigious language institution in Cambodia? If you have, I would like to introduce you the Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) of Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP).  There are various departments such as Department of English, Japanese, French, Korean, and Chinese, etc. Here are some photos I have taken.

July 23, 2012

Harmful effects of acid rain


       In the industrial revolution period, 18th-19th century, in Europe, people used modern technology instead of human labor. The industries increased rapidly, and they released many toxic substances to the environment. These toxic substances caused many problems such as air pollution, land pollution and water pollution to our environment. One of the most notable concerns was air pollution because it contaminated of the air by such substances as fuel exhaust and smoke. When these substances met the rain water, it formed acid rain and drop down on earth. Acid rain contains harmful chemicals that can threaten not only on human being, but also on other properties. What are the harmful effects of acid rain? Indeed, acid rain causes harmful effects on trees and crops, infrastructure, aquatic ecosystem, and human’s health.  
     Acid rain has destroyed a large number of trees and crops, which are very important for human being. When acid rain drops onto the earth, it seeps into the soil, and suddenly the soil turn to an acidic state, which is abnormal condition for trees and crops to live in. Trees and crops can only survive and live normally under a certain amount of acid that usually neutral. Moreover, acid rain poisons trees and crops by dissolving toxic substances such as aluminum, lead and mercury, which are absorbed by the root. Consequently, their root will be destroyed. Acid rain not just dissolves such toxic metals, but also dissolves minerals and nutrients in the soil, which are then washed away before trees and crops have a chance of using them in order to grow. It results in making trees or crops to be grunt and die.
     Building and infrastructure are also damaged by acid rain, as are harmed tress and crops. It discolors and corrodes buildings and other infrastructures such as bridges, roads, statues, monuments, and other man-made structures. By way of illustration, Phsar Thom Tmey is discolored and corroded by acid rain, rain containing small amount of sulfur. It is discolored bit by bit until it becomes shabby. Acid rain dissolves sandstone, limestone, and marble, and corrodes ceramic, textiles, paints, and metals. Road constructions, bridges, statues and other man-made things are damaged badly as a consequence of acid rain.    
      Most of all, apart from trees and crops and building and infrastructure, acid rain also has harmful effect on aquatic ecosystem. When acid rain falls down, it washes out toxic substances from the soil into lakes, streams, rivers, sea, et cetera. It can make change to the ecosystem in which aquatic life lives. At the time pH level in the water decreases, the water will become acidic state that threatens not only fish and aquatic plants, but also kills bacteria that is essential for making water remains good. Toxic substances contaminated in acid rain destroy small aquatic plants and algae that are basically eaten by small fish in the system. When the number of these components becomes extinct, all kinds of fish and other living things in the ecosystem are also destructed, for they have interaction with each other. On the other word, we call it “Food chain”. Shortly, aquatic ecosystem is seriously damaged because of acid rain.
     Last but not least, acid rain affects human health adversely. It has the ability of harming us via the atmosphere as well as the soil where the food we eat is grown. As mentioned above, acid rain seeps into the soil and then reacts with metals in the soil. Moreover, once acid rain causes these toxic metals to be released, they can infiltrate into the drinking water and the animals or crops that use as sources of food. People, who I am convinced as victims, eat these crops and this polluted water; therefore, they may face many health problems such as respiratory like throat, nose and eye irritation, headache, asthma, and dry coughs. Particularly, children and aging people are easily defeated by these problems.    
      Clearly, acid rain results in many seriously harmful impacts on people, buildings and infrastructures, trees and crops and aquatic ecosystem. Looking at these bad effects, we, people living on the earth, must have obligation taking care of our environment by reducing the amount of using chemical substances that leads to environmental crisis such as acid rain. If all of us commit not to pollute our environment, in the future, this problem will not appear forever. 

July 22, 2012

Child Labor in Cambodia

Child Labor is defined as the work done by children below 18 years old, either paid or unpaid, that inimically affect the mental, physical, social, and moral progress of the children and prevents their education . It exists in various forms, ranging from the light form to the worst one, all around the world. If we have a look on this issue in Cambodia, we will be able to see clearly what kind of word is considered as Child Labor.

The MoSALVY has divided Child Labor in Cambodia into two main categories according to the sectors where they occur or are prevalent, one of which is the worst form such as the activities against Fundamental Human Right (Trafficking of children and women, using children in prostitution and phonography, and using children in drug production, sale and trafficking), Service sector (Child labor in pottering, child labor in domestic work, and child labor in waste scavenging or rubbish picking), Agriculture sector (child labor in rubber plantations, child labor in tobacco plantations, child labor in fishing activities (near-shore and deep-sea fishing), and child labor in semi-industrial agriculture plantations), Handcraft and Small scale industry (child labor in brick making enterprises, child labor in salt production and related enterprises, and child labor in handcrafts and related enterprises and, in processing of aquatic products such as crab or shrimp peeling), and in Stone and Refinery sector ( child labor stone or granite breaking, child labor in the collection of small stone from river beds and the seashore, rock and sand quarrying, and child labor in gem and coal mining), and the other form is not the serious one but also prevents children from going to school such as child who work in the restaurants or eateries, and children who sell products in the streets, etc.

However, this issue is little known and paid little attention to. Despite many forms of child labor in Cambodia, a vast majority of Cambodian university students, according to the information obtained by conducting questionnaires, approximately 80% of the respondents we ask, are slightly aware of the issue relating to child labor. It is reported that they know only the light forms of child labor such as children who work in the restaurants or eateries, children who sell things in the streets, orphans who wander in the street and rummage the rubbish in order to search for things to sell for survival, children who are forced by their parents to works as household workers in Phnom Penh, children who work as part-times workers in the agricultural sector, and those children who are in poverty-stricken families that have no opportunities to go to school. Only 10% of them answers they know quite a lot about child labor by watching TV, listening to the news broadcasting on the radio, reading documents containing the information relating to child Labor which are published my Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training, Cambodia, and other organization such as International Labor Organization in Cambodia (ILO). Yet there are still a number of students who do not aware of the issue. They say they haven’t any faintest ideas relating to Child Labor in Cambodia. To sum up, the conclusion to be drawn, based on the data we collected, is that Cambodian university students have more or less opportunities to see Child Labor in Cambodia and they also their concern toward the issue.

Of the questions we put in the questionnaire, there is a question asking the respondents to expression their own opinion about what we students can do in order to reduce Child Labor. Due to their response, there are two main good solutions to reduce child. They say that both government and all people of the country have to think and find way to tackle with the problem. Firstly, the government should reinforce the Labor Law by putting pressure on those who benefit from child labor and promoting children’s right. This means that the government should make it effective to get all people to adhere to the law. If, for example, the minimum age, determined by the law, at which children can work is 18 years old, the government should make sure that there are no children under that age go to work. Moreover, the main cause of child labor, as we know, is poverty. The government, therefore, should also deal with this problem using poverty reduction policies. One of the best ways proposed by those respondents to the government in order to eliminate child labor is through education. In rural areas where there are a lot people poor people, children are likely to give up their study at the young age because they need to work for survival, and some children, whose parents are farmers, are supposed to help their parents in the field. Because of this problem, the government, other agencies of the government and some non-governmental organization should help raise the awareness of the consequences of child labor as well as the significances of education. Far more than this, we students should also actively contribute to the society in helping eliminate child labor by volunteering and supporting the public information campaigns run by those institutions. We are very important in disseminating the information to our family, relatives, friends, neighbors, and local residents in our community. Far more than this, if all of us work together, resolutely and optimistically on this issue, Child labor will be eliminated in the near future.

In short, we can say that Child labor is one of the major problems that need to be eliminated if we want to see our country develops and to help people escape from poverty. In order to attain this goal, we students have to do something beneficial that can help raise people’s awareness about the issue and the importance of education to their future life. It should be noted that poverty raise child labor, and child labor creates poverty vice versa, so the root of child labor is poverty and the consequence of child labor is also poverty.   


July 18, 2012

10 months

"I Love You."

"Why do you love me?"

"No reason. Unconditional love. I just know that I love you."

"The word love is just like a piece of cake. Everyone can say it."

"But I love you for certain."

She was not quite sure of his love for her. But the boy was quite sure of his love for her.

The girl seemed not to believe in his word 'Love', but the boy did believe in it.

"I Love You. Do you love me?"

"I don't know whether I love you or not."
The boy still believed in his feeling, but the girl was not quite sure. The boy asked for her answer for the second time, but the girl didn't give him his answer yet.

"I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you............................I miss you. I'm missing you."

The boy  sent her 1 million messages saying he miss her, but the girl didn't reply.

For ten months, the boy tried to show her his feeling, his love. He did everything to show her his pure love.

From day to day, the girl saw his true feeling, starting to believe in his love, but she didn't tell him her feeling yet.

One day, the girl decided to show her feeling to the boy. She sent him  a message.

"I miss you too. I love you too."

There was no answer.

The girl waited impatiently.

She sent another message.

"I miss you too. I Love You."

There was still no reply.

She messaged him again, but there was still no reply.

She sent him 100 messages saying she loved him too, but there was no reply.

She thought that the boy must have stopped loving her. She sent him last message.

"Do you still love me?"

The phone rang.

"Alo! Are you the phone's owner's Heart? He saved your name as his Heart. I am calling you from the hospital. I'm sorry to tell you that he died in a car accident. He replied your first message while driving when suddenly he reached a corner and could not control the car."

The phone dropped off her hand. Millions of tears flooded out of her eyes. "I should have told you I love you since the very beginning. My word LOVE killed you."

His love ended in 10 months.

July 17, 2012

My Brother-in-law

  My Brother-in-Law

“Do you remember having an accident?


“Tell me!”

“My boyfriend and I were driving to my elder sister's wedding. It was September evening, and the light was dim. I remember it was raining that day. My brother was driving when suddenly a man appearing in front of our car. It was my prospective brother-in-law. “Why are you here? It’s your marriage today,” I asked. He said that he was sorry. He was late. He needed a ride. My boyfriend opened the car door, and my brother jumped in instantly. And…..”

“And? Tell me!”

“I…I forget.”

“No. You must.”

“And…and then we drove to the wedding reception. My boyfriend could not see the way clearly, so the car ran off the way uncontrollably. It hit a big tree standing along the road. Bang!! The sound was so loud that I felt very frightened. The car window glass was broken into millions of small pieces. Something came into my eyes. It was as hard as stone. It was a piece of broken glass, actually. It was painful”

“Go on…..”

“No, doctor, I can’t.”

“You must tell me…”  

“I remember screaming, screaming unto losing my voice, and I remember flailing my hands to pull the tiny piece out of my eyes. I remember a soft hand touching my left cheek tenderly; it was Sovann’s hand, my boyfriend’s.”

“What else do you remember?”

“That’s all.”

“That’s all?”

“Hmm… The last thing I remember was my boyfriend’s pale face. He looked piteous. I couldn’t see anything else. I lost my sight since then.”


“I was sent to the hospital one after another. I was treated by therapists and doctors. I was depressed for two years, weeping silently everyday. I am calm now. I tell the doctors, but they don’t allow me to go back home. I wish to see my boyfriend once again. I want to see my brother-in-law and my sister live happily together. I miss them, especially my boyfriend.”

“Are you sure you’re calm now?”

“Yes, I am.”

“I have something to tell you too.”

“Go ahead, doctor.”

“Do you think who should be blame for your accident?”

“It was no one’s mistake. The weather was so dreadful.”

“You don’t understand. Your prospective brother-in-law wanted to kill. It was he who cut off the car break. He loved you very much. He didn’t want to get married with your 
sister but you. He didn’t want to see you with other man. He was jealous. He was insane. He tried to finish the two of you. Your boyfriend had been killed before he walked toward you, but he failed to kill you. He was sent to the prison shortly after.”

“Was he?”

“Are you calm?”

“Yes, I am.”

“I want to tell you more.”


“Do you know why they always send you to different hospital?”

“I… I haven’t any foggiest idea.”

“Your prospective brother-in-law managed to escape from the prison. He’s trying to kill you. You are always transferred. Do you remember anything else about your accident?”

“Yes, doctor.”

“Tell me.”

“I remember my prospective brother-in-law hold a dagger walking toward my boyfriend and me, and told us to open the door for him. He jumped into the car and threatened my boyfriend to drive away. My boyfriend drove as fast as the airplane, and suddenly the car swerved of the road. We end up hitting a tree.”

“It’s good that you remember those events.”

“Yes, I am, doctor. As I told you I am okay now, so I can go home.”

“I want to tell you more.”

“Tell me, doctor.”

“Do you know where you are now?”

“In the ambulance. I am being transferred to another hospital.”

“Do you feel something familiar to you? Do you think you’re familiar with the sofa you’re sitting on? You’re in your old car in which you sat during the accident. I am your prospective brother-in-law…..

July 15, 2012

Why Love Japan??...??

Kimono( Japanese traditional robe)

A piece of good news

The date was 7th June 2012. It was 12p.m that I received a piece of good news from my school that I was selected to participate in an international event called “2012 World Youth Meeting” at Nihon Fukushi University, Japan. It was an amazing moment. I couldn’t believe what I heard; I thought I was in a dream. But it was the truth.

“Japan? It’s the country in my dream. I have a chance to go to my dreamed land,” I thought to myself with great exultation. To tell you the truth, there was a wish lurking at the bottom of my heart since I entered my high school life. It was to go to visit and study in Japan.

But now I have a chance to go to Japan. However, the program in which I am going to participate is not an academic study program, but it is an international event celebrated in the aim of arousing the awareness of youths all around the world the significance of international cooperation. I am supposed to stay in Japan for ten days, from Wednesday 01 August to 10 August 2012. I also have to make a presentation in cooperation with a Cambodian student from Royal Univerisity of Phnom Penh named YOU Ratanaksamrith and two other Japanese students from Nihon Fukushi University, Hotaru Takazawa and Yuki Isoguro.

I decide to participate in this program in the hope of broadening my perspective on the world, understanding the importance of youth participation in social activities, building up relation and developing mutual understanding with all participants from different countries and those from Japan, making friends across borders, building up tolerance to different people whose world we share, gaining knowledge and enjoying diversity in a unity, exchanging good experiences with people, improving my interpersonal skill, and discovering the unknown.

According to the aforementioned objectives, the benefits of this WYM event are priceless for us who are prospective young leaders. The knowledge and skills I gain from this program will benefit not only me, but also my fellow men. When I return from this program, I will share what I have learnt during my stay in Japan, especially the significance of international cooperation, to my friends and other youths who wish to develop their perspectives on the world.

The above mentioned objectives clearly show that it is really beneficial to join such an event. I will be communicating and trying to find a good resolution to avoid mutual misunderstanding with youths from various countries in Asian region.

  Amazing Japan

This might be a difficult question for some people but not for me because I have my reasons.  Since the very beginning, I have told you about my dream, but I do believe that you may be doubtful that why I want to study in Japan so eagerly. If asked this question, I will tell you that there are various reasons why I want to go there, several of which are to be illustrated as following:

I was fascinated by Japanese culture. The passion to know about Japanese culture started to germinate and to become so ingrained in my heart when I first saw it on TV. Actually, I was born in the countryside, proximity to Vietnamese border (Prey Veng Province). But I moved to live in Kampong Cham, which was not far from my homeland, at the age of four; it was in 1995. My family was not a rich one, but we, at least, had a black-and-white color television. I like watching TV very much. Everyday, I stayed around the television watching program after program. One day, I came across an interesting program talking about Japanese culture. At first, I was about to switch it off—it’s normal that children at my age don’t like watching anything besides cartoons and child-like program—but my father said that he wanted to watch it. At that time I was 12 already.

Because of having nothing to do, and probably nowhere to go, I compellingly forced myself to sit and watch it with him. From second to second, I started to enjoy it. I was very surprised that that program could keep my eyes looking at the wave-like screen.

One of the things I saw for the first time and liked the most about Japan was the architectural style—the temple and shrine surrounded by great view together with the sound of Japanese traditional music—whose images infiltrated deep into the bottom of my heart. The temple and shrine looked so different from what I used to see in my village. It had sloping roof and upturned corners. More interestingly, what caught my interest the most were the wooden columns that could support the temple for a very long time. I, who was always curious about something around me, asked my father incessantly the reasons why Japanese architects did not use the stone as the columns instead. “Stone is stronger and more long-lasting than wood,” I asked, but my father just smiled and told me that there were also some kinds of wood that were stronger and more long-lasting than stone. I didn’t believe him at that time, but, as a small child, I didn’t take it seriously besides focusing on what was going to be screened next. 

What mentioned above was just one of the many things I was interested in about Japanese culture. Japanese costume was another thing that lured my heart away. I remembered watching one program on TVK, Cambodian National TV, talking about Japan. The program was sponsored by Japanese Embassy—the program subtracted from NHK TV, Japanese television. Women wore multicolored, flower-patterned robes—I said that they were multicolored because at that time I watched color television when I was in Phnom Penh—and handled umbrellas walking languidly in the street. How amazing it was!

There were many other things about Japan that I was interested in such as Japanese food, life style, technology, festivals, music, and the like. One day, I went to Self-Access Center ( SAC) at Institute of Foreign Languages(IFL), Royal University of Phnom Penh. I went there to read books because I like reading very much. On that day, I wanted to read about foreign culture such as Korean, Chinese, and Japanese culture. I went to the shelf where those kinds of books were kept, and found an interesting book entitled “Mount Fuji”. I opened the first page and read the introduction. Having read only 2 pages, I started to become interested in it so much. I, then, took that book and sat reading it silently. Do you what?? It was so intriguing that I could not believe.   

As I remembered from what I had read, Mount Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan, and can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama on a clear day. I can see that Mount Fuji is a seasonal magic thing because it changes its appearance all the time. During winter, it is the ice-caped mountain, while in spring it becomes a garden with multicolor flowers.The following attached file is the photo of Mount Fuji that I downloaded from the internet.

 If you want to see how amazing Mount Fuji is, you can go to Google image and type Mount Fuji.

If I am to describe all of what I am interested in about Japan, I’m afraid that I may not have  enough time. I recommend you read books talking about Japan if you want to discover the enigma of diverse Japanese culture, art, music, food, landscape, and the like.

July 14, 2012

True friends

“True friends are when we find out that they don’t run away from us when facing the problems”~~Empire Nara

Once upon a time, there were two buffaloes, one of which was white and the other was a black one. The two lived in the same territory, but their relation was a stormy one. The white always claimed himself to be more intelligent and stronger than the black one. He never showed any respect toward his mate while the black one humbly tried to avoid conflict. 
One day, on a drizzling morning came into their territory a gorgeous, young, wild, female buffalo. The white started to feel love instantly after seeing her incomparable beauty. He tried hard in any ways in order to lure her heart. He once tried to flaunt his power by hitting his head to a big, building-like tree. He even showed his violent action toward all animals who passed by his land. He made countless promises to her, but the girl seemed to pay no attention toward him. In contrast, the black one, who was always modest, remained silent; he said only when there was something urgent. 
Living together for a long time, they started to feel like going sight-seeing. The white one asked the young, beautiful buffalo where she wanted to go. The female said that she wanted to visit the forest because she had never been visiting it for years, and she also wanted to see flower bloomed because it was spring. She told the two buffaloes that every year this time all animals, preys or predators, young or old, and single or married, were on vacation. They spent two weeks in order to enjoy their life with their families or couples.
Actually, the white buffalo didn’t want the black to go with them, but he could do nothing when the female buffalo proposed the black one to go with them.
It was Saturday that they embarked on their journey. They set off before the dawn broke and arrived in the forest, half of their way, when the dusk fell. They decided to spend a night there. Thirsty and empty, their stomach started to cry for food. The white one, who wanted to show his love his gut, said that he would go and find some food for them. But worrying about his friend, the black one insisted going with him, and the female one did too. At first, the white buffalo rejected, but when seeing their determination in their eyes, he nodded and said “OK, let’s go together!” 
While searching for food, they sensed something went wrong. They hear a horrible sound approaching in front of them. The white one, who was usually arrogant, said that he would go and see what was happening, but the blacked one calmed him down by saying “Please wait! We should be together. The enemy will not be able to defeat us if we tied together in one soul. Solidarity is much stronger than anything else in the world.” Upon hearing this, the white buffalo smiled and felt like his personality, which was so ingrained, had been changed to be a new one.
Yes, they were right. Not long, a big, powerful lion appeared in front of them. Spontaneously, the white buffalo was out of control. He was trembling with great fear. But the black buffalo lower his head toward the white’s ear and told him to be stronger. They would win over the lion if the three of them resolutely helped fight again their enemy together. With a great relief when hearing his friend inspire him like this, the white buffalo said “Yes, you’re right. We’ll win.” Then the three helped each other fight against the lion. Three hours had passed, but no side lost yet. They all, both the buffalo and lion sides, were seriously injured. But later then, the lion died at last when the white buffalo hit him on the stomach with his strong, curve, left horn.
Wounded though, the three buffaloes were very happy. They shouted with great exultation that “Finally, we know the value of true friend. True friends are those who help each other when in need. And no matter what races they are, no matter where they come from, no matter what colors their skin are, and no matter what their social statuses are, we still can be good friends. Solidarity is very important.”
Since then on, they live happily together, and treat each other like brothers and sisters who were born from the same mother.    


          ពិតជាមិនមានចេតនាលួចមើលសៀវភៅកំណត់ហេតុរបស់ប្អូនស្រីខ្ញុំទេ វាជាការចេដន្យប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ សៀវភៅពុម្ភប៉ុន្មានក្បាល ជាមួយសំភារៈសិក្សាផ្សេងទៀត នៅលើតុ មានតែរបស់មួយគត់បាន ទាញការចាប់អារម្មណ៍របស់ខ្ញុំ គឺ សៀវភៅរូបតុក្កតាដ៏ស្អាតមួយ ពិតជាហាមចិត្ត មិនទាញសៀវភៅ នោះមកមើលមិនបានទេ....

“ក្តីសង្ឃឹមនៅថ្ងៃដំបូងនៃឆ្នាំ ២០១២” ពិតជាគួរឲ្យ ចង់ដឹងណាស់ តើក្តីសង្ឃឹមរបស់នាងគឺអ្វីទៅ??...

“ថ្ងៃនេះជាថ្ងៃចូលឆ្នាំសកល ដែលមនុស្សទូទាំងពិភពលោកជួបជុំគ្រួសារយ៉ាងសប្បាយរីករាយ ដើម្បីឆ្លងឆ្នាំថ្មីជាមួយគ្នា។ គ្រួសារគេ ខ្លះនាំគ្នាទៅដើរកំសាន្តនៅរមណីយដ្ឋានផ្សេងៗ ចំណែកឯ គ្រួសារខ្ញុំដូចជា ខុសពីគ្រួសារអ្នកដទៃឆ្ងាយហួសរាប់ពាន់ម៉ែត ផុតពីកន្ទុយភ្នែក តែកុំនិយាយ ល្អជាង....។

តើខ្ញុំខ្លួនឯងអាចទទួលជោគ ជ័យដែររឺទេ?? ក្នុងឆ្នាំនេះ ខ្ញុំមានបំណងចង់ក្លាយជា មេផ្ទះ មិនមែនទេ! ចង់ក្លាយជា កូនស្រីគ្រប់ លក្ខ័ណ ចេះធ្វើការងារផ្ទះ ចេះធ្វើម្ហូប និងចេះរៀបចំពេលវេលា, នេះជាបំណងប្រាថ្នាទី១របស់ខ្ញុំ។

 បំណងប្រាថ្នាទី២, ចង់ឲ្យគ្រួសារខ្ញុំរស់នៅជួបជុំគ្នាជា រៀងរហូត សង្ឃឹមថាស្រីម្នាក់ដែលចង់អូស ទាញប៉ាចេញពីពួកយើង នឹងកែខ្លួនធ្វើជាមនុស្សល្អ សូមឲ្យបំណងអាក្រក់របស់នាង សាបរលាប នេះជាគោលបំណងដ៏ធំបំផុតសំរាប់គ្រួសាររបស់ខ្ញុំ។

បំណងប្រាថ្នាទី៣ គឺសង្ឃឹមថាខ្ញុំឈប់ខ្ចះខ្ចាយពេលវេលាចោលឥតប្រយោជន៍ ចាប់កាន់សៀវភៅ ឡើងវិញ ខ្ញុំស្ទើរតែក្លាយជាមនុស្សជិតងងិតភ្នែកទៅហើយ ដោយសារភាពអំនួត មើលងាយលើ មុខវិជ្ជា គណិត រូប គីមី...ទើបទទួលផលកម្មរៀនបានលេខច្រើន ពិតជាក្មាស់គេណាស់។


បំណងទី៤ ខ្ញុំចង់ក្លាយជាមនុស្សស្រីម្នាក់ដែលសុភាពជាងគេនៅក្នុងផ្ទះ ជាមនុស្សដែលចេះអត់ធ្មត់ គ្រប់ពេលដែលមានកំហឹង ខ្ញុំមិនចង់ឈ្លោះប្រកែកជាមួយប្អូនប្រុស៧ឆ្នាំកំពូលខូចរាល់ថ្ងៃបែបនេះ ទេ អាណិតម៉ាក់ មិនចង់ឲ្យគាត់ពិបាកដោយសារខ្ញុំទេ ត្រឹមតែរឿងរបស់ប៉ា គាត់ឈឺចាប់ គ្រប់គ្រាន់ ហើយ.....។ ខ្ញុំមានបំណងប្រាថ្នាតែ ៤ប៉ុណ្ណោះ សង្ឃឹមថាបានសំរេច។

ក្រោយពីឆ្លងកាត់រឿងរ៉ាវជាច្រើន ទើបខ្ញុំដឹងថា ខ្ញុំពិតជាមិនបានការមែន។ ខ្ញុំប្តេជ្ញាថា ខ្ញុំត្រូវតែជំនះ ឲ្យបាន, រតនាឯងត្រូវតែតស៊ូ!!!. ស៊ូៗ!!” ហេតុអីបានជាមានអារម្មណ៍ថា ដូចជាមិនមែនជាមនុស្ស ដែលខ្ញុំធ្លាប់ស្គាល់អីចឹង?? ប្អូនស្រីរបស់ខ្ញុំក្រែងជាក្មេងមិនដឹងអី តែងតែខ្ជិលច្រអូស ទំរន់នឹងការងារ ហើយ IQ មិនសូវល្អទេ តែឥលូវប្លែកខ្លាំងយ៉ាងនេះ!! អញ្ចឹងតើបានសង្កេតឃើញ នាងប្រឹងប្រែង សិក្សាជាងមុន ហើយខ្ញុំក៏ភ្ញាក់ផ្អើលមិនតិចដែរ នៅពេលលទ្ធផលនៃការប្រលងរបស់នាងល្អហួស ពីការស្មាន។ ពីដំបូងពិតជាអស់សង្ឃឹមនឹងដាស់តឿននាង ប៉ុន្តែឃើញនាងភ្ញាក់រលឹកដោយខ្ឡួនឯង បែបនេះ ខ្ញុំសប្បាយចិត្តខ្លាំងណាស់.... នាងតូចនេះ ពិតជាគួរឲ្យស្រលាញ់ ជាងមុនហើយតើ!!! ថ្វីត្បិតតែស្ថានភាពគ្រួសារច្របូកច្របល់ ម្នាក់ៗសុទ្ធតែឈឺចាប់ព្រោះតែប៉ា តែមិនមែនមានន័យថា ពួកយើងបាត់បង់សេចក្តីសុខទាំងស្រុងនោះទេ ពួក យើងនៅ មានម៉ាក់ បងប្អូនទាំង៤នាក់ ដែលកំពុងតែរឹងមាំ ញញឹម ជានិច្ច មិនចុះចាញ់នឹងរឿងរ៉ាវអពមង្គលនោះទេ។

           គួរនិយាយថាម៉េចទៅ ប៉ានៅមានវត្តមាននៅក្នុងផ្ទះយើងនៅឡើយ តែសំរាប់ប៉ា ពួកយើងគឺកំពុង ឃ្លាតឆ្ងាយពីក្នុងចិត្តរបស់គាត់ទៅហើយ មិនយូរមិនឆាប់ទេ ប៉ានឹងចាកចេញពីពួកយើងមិនខាន។ ទោះជាយ៉ាងណាពេលវេលានោះមិនទាន់មក ដល់នៅឡើយ អ្វីដែលគួរធ្វើនៅពេលនោះគឺ លេបទុករឿងរ៉ាវមិនសប្បាយចិត្ត រក្សាស្ថានភាពរីករាយ សំរាប់ពេល វេលាដែលនៅសល់ ទោះជា យ៉ាងណា ប៉ានៅតែជាប៉ារបស់ \ពួក យើង គឺជាការពិត មិនអាច ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ មិនអាចខឹងគាត់ ក៏រឹតតែមិន អាចស្អប់គាត់ទោះបីជា គាត់បានធ្វើឲ្យម៉ាក់ជាទីស្រលាញ់ បំផុតតែម្នាក់របស់ពួកយើងឈឺចាប់។ ទោះជាប៉ាធ្វើខុសប៉ុណ្ណា ម៉ាក់នៅតែជួយនិយាយឲ្យប៉ាទៀត “ត្រូវតែគោរពប៉ា ហាមខឹង គុំគួន ប្រមាថប៉ាណាកូន កុំសាងបាបនឹងអ្នកមានគុណ យ៉ាងណាគាត់ ក៏ធ្លាប់លះបង់កិត្តិយស ធ្លាប់ហត់នឿយសព្វបែបយ៉ាងជិតពាក់កណ្តាលជីវិត ទៅហើយដើម្បីចិញ្ចឹម បីបាច់កូនៗ កុំយកទោសប៉ាណាកូន....បណ្តោយតាមព្រហ្មលិខិតទៅចុះ” ទោះជាខឹងប៉ាខ្លាំងប៉ុណ្ណា តែដើម្បីម៉ាក់ត្រូវតែគោរពតាមពាក្យ ទូន្មានរបស់ម៉ាក់ សុខចិត្តពួនយំស្ងាត់ៗតែម្នាក់ឯង មិនចង់ ឲ្យម៉ាក់កាន់តែពិបាក ចិត្ត។

តើខ្ញុំនិយាយដល់ណាហើយ??.... ហូរទឹកភ្នែកទៀតហើយ!! មិនបានទេ!! បើឲ្យម៉ាក់ឃើញខ្ញុំយំ អញ្ចឹងមិនល្អទេ!!.....

“បងស្រី!! នៅក្នុងបន្ទប់ខ្ញុំមែនទេ??”

 ខ្ញុំបិទសៀវភៅដាក់កន្លែងដើម ហើយប្រញាប់ជូតទឹកភ្នែករៀបចំឥរិយាបថ អោយប្រក្រតីឡើងវិញ ក្លាយប្អូនស្រីចាប់ថ្នាក់បាន....

“ស្លាប់ហើយ! នៅទីនេះសោះ!!!” “ឯងរកបងមានការអី??”

“ចងរកបងជួយពន្យល់មេរៀនខ្ញុំនឹងណា!!” “មក! មិនយល់ត្រង់ណា សួរមកចុះ!! តែបងមិនដឹងថាពន្យល់បានល្អរឺក៏អត់ទេណា?!”

“បានអ្នកគ្រូស្អាតបង្រៀនហើយ ទោះលំបាកលយល់ក៏ត្រូវតែយល់ដែរ....ហេ ហេ!!”

ខ្ញុំដើរចេញពីបន្ទប់វិញបន្ទាប់ពីពន្យល់នាងរួចរាល់ រៀបនឹងបិទទ្វារ ខ្ញុំសំលឹង មើលប្អូនស្រីខ្ញុំជា ចុងក្រោយ....

“ជូនពរឲ្យបំណងប្រាថ្នាបានក្លាយជាការពិតណា,នាងតូច!” ខ្ញុំនិយាយតិចៗតែម្នាក់ឯង ហើយក៏ចាកចេញ....។

Written by SIV Vatana
Edited by UK Sovannara

“ អារម្មណ៍ពីមុន ដែលបាត់ទៅ”

បុរសម្នាក់ ជាមេគ្រួសារដែលពីមួយថ្ងៃទៅមួយថ្ងៃកាន់តែ ចាស់ទៅៗ។

អាជីពជាបុគ្គលិកក្រុមហ៊ុនធ្វើឲ្យគាត់មានអារម្មណ៍ តានតឹង គាត់ត្រូវព្យាយាមរក្សាតំណែងតួនាទី ការងារឲ្យផុតភ័យ តែគាត់មិនអាចសម្តែងអារម្មណ៍នេះឲ្យនរណាម្នាក់ដឹងទេ បានត្រឹមតែជក់បារី ដើម្បីបន្ធូរអារម្មណ៍។ ជីវិតហាក់ដូចជា គ្មានសេចក្តីសង្ឃឹម ការបង្ខំ ពាក្យរិះគន់ពីសំណាក់ថៅកែ បន្ទុកទំនួលខុសត្រូវលើគ្រួសារ និងការងារ ជារឿងដែលគាត់ត្រូវប្រទះជារឿងរាល់ថ្ងៃ ពិតជាមាន អារម្មណ៍ថាមានសំពាធ។ ភរិយារបស់គាត់ក៏មិនមានសំណាងល្អ ដូចគាត់ដែរ។

រាល់ថ្ងៃនាងត្រូវប្រើលុយឲ្យបានអតិបរមា ចាយរិះថាំបំផុត ពេលខ្លះការរៀបចំម្ហូបសំរាប់គ្រួសារ ក៏មិនបានឆ្ងាញ់ពិសារប៉ុន្មានទេ។ គាត់ត្រូវគិតបញ្ជីចំនាយចំនូល ចំនុចនេះ ធ្វើអោយប្តីរបស់របរ ឡើងថ្លៃត្រូវបន្ថយចំនាយនេះ ចំនាយនោះ។ ចំនុចនេះ ធ្វើឲ្យ ប្តីរបស់គាត់សែនធុញ ពេលខ្លះវា ស្ទើរតែនឹងផ្ទុះពាក្យដែលក្នុងចិត្ត  “ បើជីវិតប្តីប្រពន្ធរស់នៅក្លាយជាបែបនេះ ខ្ញុំនឹងមិនរៀបការ ជាមួយនាងទេ!! ”  ប៉ុន្តែរាល់ពេលដែលគាត់ទ្រាំមិនបាន គាត់តែងសញ្ចឹងគិតឡើងវិញជាច្រើនដង ហើយបៀមពាក្យទាំងនោះទុកវិញ យ៉ាងហោចណាស់ពួកគាត់ក៏ធ្លាប់មានពេលវេលាមានសេចក្តី សុខ និងសប្បាយរីករាយ កម្សត់កម្រជាមួយគ្នាដែរ...... ពេលវេលាកន្លង ជីវិតគ្រួសារក៏ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ ដែរ ទោះជាមានទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិជាងមុន តែមានអារម្មណ៍ថា សូម្បីតែការញុំាអាហារលើតុជុំគ្នាដ៏រីករាយ ក៏សឹងតែបាត់បងដែរ។

ថ្ងៃមួយ ជាថ្ងៃគម្រប់ខួបអាពាហ៍ពិពាហ៍ គាត់តាំងចិត្តជូនអំណោយពិសេសដល់ភរិយារបស់គាត់

 “ អូន! ថ្ងៃនេះទៅកន្លែងមួយជាមួយបងណា....”

ភរិយាគាត់ទៅតាមប្តីដោយអារម្មណ៍រីករាយ នឹកថាប្តីគាត់នឹងនាំគាត់ទៅហាងទំនិញធំៗ រឺទៅ ភោជនីយដ្ឋានថ្លៃៗហើយ តែពេលគាត់ទៅដល់ ទីនោះបែរជាទីប្រជុំជនមួយ ដែលជីវិតស្វាមីភរិយា គាត់បានចាប់ផ្តើម។

         ទីនោះមានហាងអាហារតូចៗ និងហាងលក់របស់របរជិតៗគ្នា មើលទៅសុទ្ធតែ ជាបន្ទប់តូចៗ។ ប្តីរបស់គាត់បានកាន់ដៃប្រពន្ធរបស់គាត់ទៅមើលផ្ទះតូចចង្អៀតដូចរន្ធកណ្តុរ ដែលធ្លាប់រស់នៅ ហើយលួចមើលទៅក្នុងផ្ទះតាមបង្អួច អ្វីដែលអ្នកទាំងពីរឃើញគឺ តុរ អាហារចាស់ កូនតូចគួរឲ្យស្រលាញ់កំពុងយំហេវបាយ ម្តាយរបស់ក្មេងតូចកំពុងញាប់ដៃញាប់ជើងរៀបចំអាហារ ដាក់លើតុ ជាមួយទឹកមុខរីករាយ ដោយនិយាយទៅកាន់កូនតូចដែលនៅក្នុងរង្វង់ដៃឪពុក

 “ កូនម៉ាក់ កុំយំអីណា! ម៉ាក់រួចរាល់ហើយ...”  ថ្វីត្បិតតែ ការរស់នៅពិបាក ប៉ុន្តែពួកគេនៅតែមានទឹក មុខញញឹមដែលពោរពេញដោយសេចក្តីសុខ នៅក្នុងផ្ទះដ៏តូចនេះ។

រូបភាពនេះធ្វើឲ្យប្តីប្រពន្ធខាងក្រៅនឹកដល់ការរស់នៅកាលពី ១០ឆ្នាំមុន។ ភរិយារបស់គាត់ជូតទឹកភ្នែក ហើយនិយាយទៅកាន់ប្តីរបស់នាង

 “ បងសម្លាញ់! យើងធ្វើឲ្យអារម្មណ៍ពីមុនៗបាត់ទៅហើយមែនទេ? ”

“ ត្រូវហើយ, អារម្មណ៍ពីមុន ” អារម្មណ៍ពីមុនៗ គឺជាអំណោយដ៏មានតម្លៃដែលរកអ្វីប្រៀបពុំបាននៅ លើលោកនេះ។

Written by SIV Vatana
Edited by UK Sovannara


និយាយពីស្ត្រីវ័យ ២៥ឆ្នាំ និងស្វាមីរបស់គាត់ ជាគូស្វាមីភរិយាក្រីក្រមួយគូ... 
“ បងសម្លាញ់ ថ្ងៃនេះជាថ្ងៃអ្វី?....បងចាំបានទេ?!!” ស្វាមីដែលជួយលើកពោតរបស់ភរិយាឡើងបណ្តើរ ក៏តប៖ 
“បាទ! ដឹងហើយ ថ្ងៃនេះបងនឹងប្រញាប់ឈប់សម្រាកពីការងារ មិនបាច់បារម្ភទេ” 

ស្វាមីរបស់គាត់ជាអ្នកស៊ីឈ្នួលរុញរទេះ អូសរបស់នៅឯផ្សារ ចំណែកឯភរិយាគាត់ទូលពោតលក់ តាមភូមិ ជួនកាល លក់មិនសូវដាច់ គាត់ត្រូវដើរទៅភូមិឆ្ងាយៗ... 

“ យក១០ផ្លែមែនទេ? យកតែ ៥ វិញហ៎! ពោតសាច់ណែនល្អណាស់ណា...” 

ដើមរដូវក្តៅ កម្តៅថ្ងៃចែងចាំង ធ្វើឲ្យស្ត្រីទូលពោត ហត់នឿយទ្វេរដង។ ពេលបានលុយមក អារម្មណ៍ហត់នឿយក៏បាត់ ចាប់ផ្តើមមានសេចក្តីសុខវិញម្តង។ តើអ្នកដឹងទេ ថាថ្ងៃនេះជាថ្ងៃអ្វី? ជាថ្ងៃខួបកំណើតស្វាមីនាង។ 

ថ្ងៃនេះពោតលក់មិនទាន់អស់ទេ តែនាងប្រញាប់ទៅផ្សារទិញសាច់ បន្លែ ដើម្បីធ្វើម្ហូបឆ្ងាញ់ៗជូនប្តី របស់នាង តែដោយសារ ទូលពោតដែលនៅសល់ផង ត្រូវយួររបស់របរសំរាប់អាហារពេល ល្ងាចផង ធ្វើឲ្យគាត់ខកម៉ោងជួបប្តី ម៉្យាងថ្ងៃនេះត្រូវមកលក់ដល់ភូមិឆ្ងាយពីផ្ទះទៀត ណាមួយឥវ៉ាន់ធ្ងន់ផង នៅសុខៗ ទឹកភ្នែកនៃការហត់នឿយ និងឈឺចិត្តក៏បានហូរចេញមក អស់ជំរើសហើយមានតែដើរ ទៅផ្ទះសន្សឹមៗជាមួយនឹងឥវ៉ាន់ដ៏ធ្ងន់នេះ ចុះ។ 

ចំណែកស្វាមីដែលកំពុងរងចាំភរិយា ចាំយូរពេកក៏នឹកគិតតែរឿងអាក្រក់ៗ ថែមទាំងខឹងអន់ចិត្តនឹង ប្រពន្ធ ថាមេឃងងឹតទៅហើយ នៅមិនទាន់មកដល់ទៀត ពេលវេលាកន្លងយូរបន្តិច គាត់ក៏ឃើញ ភរិយាដើរត្រុកៗពីចម្ងាយ ក៏ប្រញាប់ទាញរទេះរុញ ទៅរកប្រពន្ធហើយជួយទទួលរបស់របរភរិយា ដាក់ក្នុងរទេះ ហើយក៏សួរ៖ “នែ៎!!ហេតុអ្វីក៏ថ្មើរនេះទើបមកដល់?” 

សំដីរបស់ស្វាមីក៏បានធ្វើឲ្យនាងហូរទឹកភ្នែកភ្លាមតែម្តង ហើយនាងក៏ប្រាប់តាមដំណើររឿង។ 

សម្តីរបស់ភរិយាគួរឲ្យស្រលាញ់ ធ្វើឲ្យសា្វមីប្តូរទឹកមុខក្រញ៉ូវ ទៅកម្សត់ភ្លាម ព្រោះអាណិតភរិយា តែខំបង្កើនស្នាម ញញឹមយ៉ាងស្រស់ ហើយបីភរិយាឡើងអង្គុយលើរទេះរុញរបស់គាត់ “បានហើយ! ខ្ញុំបាទជាអ្នករុញរទេះជូនព្រះនាង ទៅផ្ទះវិញណា!!..” 

  ភរិយាគាត់ជូតទឹកភ្នែក ហើយងើយមុខមកជាមួយស្នាមញញឹមដ៏ស្រស់ 

“មែនហ៎! អរគុណប្តីសំលាញ់.....” នាងនៅលើរទេះរុញចាស់ដែលស្វាមីកំពុងរុញ មានអារម្មណ៍ថា សប្បាយចិត្តរហូតដល់បេះដូងរីកធំ ទោះបីជាជើងហើមឈឺប៉ុណ្ណា ប៉ុន្តែរទេះរុញចាស់នេះប្រៀប ដូចជា រថយន្តផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនដែលអង្គុយទៅមានអារម្មណ៍ថា សប្បាយជាងបានជិះរថយន្តផ្សេងទៀត នៅលើលោក។

Written by SIV Vatana
Edited by UK Sovannara

July 12, 2012


ស្រមៃទៅមើល ផ្ទះមួយមានបន្ទប់៣ សួនខាងមុខមានផ្កាចំរុះពណ៌ វាលស្មៅបៃតង នៅពីក្រោយ មានអាងទឹកថ្លាឆ្វង់ ពិតជាគួរឲ្យចង់រស់នៅខ្លាំងណាស់!!!.... តែថ្ងៃនេះ មិនមែនជាការស្រមើស្រមៃ តែវាបានក្លាយជាការពិតសំរាប់គ្រួសាររបស់ខ្ញុំហើយ​ យេ៎ !!!! . ប្អូនប្រុសនិងខ្ញុំសុទ្ធតែសប្បាយចិត្ត ប៉ុន្តែសប្បាយមិនដល់ម៉ាក់ជាទីស្រលាញ់របស់ពួកយើងទេ....... ព្រោះតែអាប្អូនកំពូលរពិសទាំងពីររបស់ខ្ញុំ ម៉ាក់ត្រូវស្តាប់ពាក្យរអ៊ូរទាំពីអ្នកមីងម្ចាស់ផ្ទះមុន រាល់ថ្ងៃ តែចាប់ពីថ្ងៃនេះទៅធូរត្រចៀកហើយ។ ក្រោយពីជញ្ជូនកេសឥវ៉ាន់ចូលអស់ហើយ តួនាទីដែលត្រូវធ្វើបន្តគឺ លុបស្នាមប្រលាក់តាមជញ្ជាំង។ នៅតាមជញ្ជាំងកន្លែងខ្លះមានសុទ្ធតែស្នាមអក្សរខ្មៅ ស្នាមរូបភាពក្រវែមក្រវ៉ាម..... “ អើយ! ជ្រះឲ្យអស់ទៅ!!!!!!!!!........” ខ្ញុំជូតបណ្តើររអ៊ូរបណ្តើរ.... ពេលខ្ញុំភ្ញាក់ពីគេងព្រឹកឡើង ស្រាប់តែមានរឿងដែលគួរឲ្យភ្ញាក់ផ្អើលមួយ ខ្ញុំញីភ្នែកជាច្រើនដង តើភ្នែកខ្ញុំជារោងចក្រផលិតអាចម៍ភ្នែកមែនទេ? រឺក៏ខ្ញុំមមើរ? រឺក៏កំពុងស្ថិតក្នុងការយល់សប្តិ ? “ហេតុអីបានជានៅតែមានស្នាមសរសេរនៅជញ្ជាំងដដែលអញ្ចឹង? អេ៎! ប្លែកមែន កុំបា្រប់ណាថា ផ្ទះនេះមានខ្មោច!!! មិនមែនទេ សម័យនេះទៅហើយមានខ្មោចពីណា រឺក៏ជាផែនទីវេទមន្តដូចនៅក្នុងសៀវភៅរឿង និទាន ពេលត្រូវពន្លឺព្រះច័ន្ទហើយវានឹងលេចតួអក្សរឡើង???!!!! ” ខ្ញុំទៅបន្ទប់ទឹក យកធុងនិងក្រណាត់ ដើម្បីមកជូតសំអាតម្តងទៀត ។ កំពុងតែសំអាត ខួរក្បាល កំពូលឆ្លាតរបស់ខ្ញុំបានបញ្ចេញពន្លឺអំពូលភ្លើងលឿង..... “ហៅម៉ាក់មកជួយធ្វើសាក្សីសិន! ... ម៉ាក់!! មកជួយមើលខ្ញុំបន្តិច!!” “ម៉ាក់កន្លែងនេះខ្ញុំសំអាតបានស្អាតល្អហើយ!” “អឹម..!! ស្អាតអស់ហើយតើកូន” នៅព្រឹកថ្ងៃបន្ទាប់ ចង់ស្រែកឲ្យបែកផ្ទះទេ!! ហេតុអីបានជាស្នាមនោះនៅតែមាននៅលើ ជញ្ជាំងដូចមុនទៀតហើយ????......ឆ្កួតមិនខានទេខ្ញុំ!!!! ពេលយប់ខ្ញុំក៏សំរេចចិត្តទៅតាមដាន ខ្ញុំចាំមើលដោយមិនប្រិចភ្នែក ស្រាប់តែមាន ស្រមោល ស្ទង់ៗ ២លេចឡើងហាក់ដូចជារាងក្មេងប្រុស.......................................................... “បងហា៎!!! ប៉ានៅឋានសួគ៌ ពិតជាអាចមើលឃើញពួកយើងមែនទេ? តើប៉ាអាចរកឃើញ ផ្ទះថ្មីរបស់យើងដែរទេ??” “យើងគូរផែនទីឲ្យប៉ាទៀតទៅ ប៉ាច្បាស់ជានឹងរកឃើញផ្ទះថ្មីរបស់យើងហើយ!!” “អញ្ចឹងមិនយូរទេប៉ាច្បាស់ជានឹងរកពួកយើងឃើញហើយ,មែនទេបងប្រុស?”
ពួកគេទាំងពីរនាក់ប្រឹងប្រែងគូរ ដោយស្នាមញញឹម សង្ឃឹមថាប៉ាមើលឃើញហើយនឹង រកផ្ទះថ្មីនេះឃើញ។ ចំណែកខ្ញុំបានត្រឹមតែខ្ទប់មាត់យំស្ងាត់ៗ ដើម្បីកុំឲ្យប្អូនប្រុសទាំងពីរលឺ សំលេងខ្ញុំ ខ្ញុំដើរលបៗចូលបន្ទប់វិញ សំលឹងមើលរូបថតគ្រួសារដែលយើងថតរួមគ្នាកាលលោកប៉ា នៅរស់ ស្នាមញញឹមដ៏ស្រទន់ ប្រកបដោយភាពកក់ក្តៅ មុខមាត់ដែលមើលទៅមានឈាម ពោរពេញដោយសុខភាព ពិតជាខុសគ្នាស្រលះពីរូបភាពចុងក្រោយរបស់ប៉ា នៅលើគ្រែដែលមាន ពូកពណ៌ស រាងកាយស្គមស្គាំង និងទឹកមុខស្លេកស្លាំង ប៉ាមិនបាននិយាយអ្វីសោះ ជាមួយពួកយើង អស់រយៈពេលយ៉ាងយូរបន្ទាប់ពីជំងឺរបស់ប៉ាកាន់តែធ្ងន់ធ្ងរទៅៗ រឿងរ៉ាវហាក់ដូចជានៅថ្មីៗ ខ្ញុំអោប រូបថតជាប់ទ្រូង ទឹកភ្នែកនៅតែហូរមិនដាច់។ ស្រាប់តែមានពន្លឺទេពសុយត ដែលភ្លឺតាមបង្អួច ខ្ញុំក្រោកទៅឈរក្បែរបង្អួច សំលឹងមើលទៅលើមេឃ ហាក់ដូចជាមានអារម្មណ៍ថា លោកប៉ាកំពុង សំលឹងមករកខ្ញុំ ក្នុងខណៈដែលខ្ញុំមើលឃើញត្រឹមតែហ្វូងផ្កាយ ខ្ញុំនិយាយទៅកាន់គាត់...
“លោកប៉ា!!! ប៉ាសុខសប្បាយទេ? ប៉ាបានជាសះស្បើយហើយមែនទេ? នៅខាងលើប៉ានឹកអ្នកម៉ាក់ និងកូនៗដែរទេ? ពួកយើង ពិតជានឹកលោកប៉ាខ្លាំងណាស់ គ្មានលោកប៉ា ម៉ាក់ពិតជាលំបាកណាស់ក្នុងការមើលថែទាំពួកកូន តែប៉ាកុំបារម្ភ គ្រួសារ យើងរស់នៅសុខសប្បាយជាទេ ការរស់នៅប្រសើរជាងមុន ហឺ​..ហឺ.. ប៉ាដឹងទេ​ អាល្អឹត ភ្លោះរបស់ប៉ា ព្រោះតែខ្លាចប៉ារកពួកយើងមិនឃើញ គេខំគូរផែនទីលើជញ្ជាំងឲ្យប៉ា ពួកគេពិតជា គួរឲ្យស្រលាញ់ណាស់មែនទេ, លោកប៉ា??” ចាប់តាំងពីថ្ងៃនោះមក ស្នាមនៅលើជញ្ជាំងក៏ដិតនៅជាប់នឹងផ្ទះថ្មីរបស់ពួកយើងជារៀងរហូត។ Written by SIV Vatana Edited by: UK Sovannara

July 07, 2012

A Fake Flower


The sky was already dark. The fierce wind blew from the west and took the greyish cloud along with it toward the east. The thunder light was running through the black sky like branches of a big tree. The rain started to drop down. Running as fast as he possibly could in order to avoid getting soaked; Pichet saw a small empty shop which was located at the left side of the road. So fast he ran though, without an umbrella and raincoat, he was still soaking since the droplets were as big as pebbles.

Trembling, Pichet was waiting, patiently and silently in the shop, for the rain to stop so that he could go back home without catching a cold. Surprisingly, five minutes later, there was a beautiful girl running, from nowhere he didn’t know, into the shop in which he was sitting. Pichet opened his eyes wide upon seeing her approaching him.
At first the two were very shy, so the atmosphere was very quiet for a long time until the young man started the conversation at last. He uttered: “Hello! Nice to meet you!”
The young girl replied shyly “Yes. Nice..to..meet you!”
Pichet smiled and asked one more question: “Where are you going? It seems you are in hurry.”
The girl replied: “Yes, you’re right. I’m in hurry. Today I have a final exam, but as you see, I can’t go to school now because of the rain.”
The young man burst out shouting with a great surprise:  
“ A’…A’…A final exam!! What will you do, then?”

“I don’t know,” the girl replied with a sad voice.

The atmosphere was harsh awhile before the conversation started again.

“What do you think if I take you to school?” the man asked. 

“Now? It’s raining so hard. How can we go out?” replied the girl. 

The man smiled and said at last “Just say yes or no. Will you?” 

The girl nodded her head up and down gently with a radiant smile.

 Upon seeing so, he said abruptly to her “Just a sec!”, and ran very fast to the other side of the road. The young beautiful girl watched him running under the rain until she lost his sight. She stood there waiting.

        Five minutes later, the man came back on a bicycle, which he borrowed from his friend, with a raincoat. He suggested her to wear the raincoat, while he didn’t, and she jumped on the bicycle. The two were paddling to the school in which the girl studied….. It was raining so hard that it was not easy for them to get to school. However, Pichet rode his bike persistently despite the difficulty he was facing.

      He felt for the first time a soft slender hand touching his back. The time that everyone hated so much became the loveliest one for him. The rain which he didn’t want to walked under because he was afraid of catching a cold became a great shower for him. The thunder light which was so frightening became the firework which he used to see during the Water Festival. Everything which was previously a galling thing became an adorable one because of love, love at the first sight.

      Arriving at the school, the young girl said thank to Pichet and told him that they would meet each other the next day at the same place and the same time. Pichet said nothing besides smiling at her, for his heart was running up to his throat making him unable to utter even a single word. His face became as rosy as the flower which had just bloomed when getting dew in the early morning. Pichet, getting soaked by the rain, was trembling, so he hurriedly went home and changed his clothes. He had dinner with his two younger brothers and a beautiful, high school sister. After everything was finished he went to his room and started thinking about his unexpected memory. He could hardly do anything because he always saw her smiles as vividly as she was smiling in front of him. His heart was swelling when thinking about her beautiful, round, pinky face and rosy cheeks, pinky lips, slender legs and arms, slim, good-built body, and her melodious, soft voice. Suddenly, he was ashamed of what he was thinking because he was not quite sure of it. He did not even know her name. Yet he was very happy since it was the first time that he stayed close to a girl.

      The shadow of the darkness was falling upon his room. He tried to close his eyes. Still, he could not sleep. The image of his young girl still appeared in his mind.  He sat up and lit the candle. Looking at the clock hanging on the wooden wall, he noticed that it was 12 a.m. He pulled the door open and went to the front court of his house. He then sat down on the bamboo bed watching the full moon which was surrounding by thousands of brilliant stars. “Even though I used to admire the beauty of the moon very much, but this time there is another moon which is much more beautiful,” he said to himself. “I will confess my love to you if you are to give it back to me,” he continued, “my love.” He sat silently thinking about it until the dawn broke. 

     The sun rose in the east shining a soft, yellow light on his face. He went in to wash his face and put up his school uniform and went to school on his motorbike. Actually his class started at 7a.m, but he always arrived at school at 6 o’clock. He was a fan of the phrase “Time is money”. He never wasted his time doing useless things. He always showed up at school an hour before the class started so that he could review all the lessons he was going to study. But this time was different. He could not concentrate on what he was reading because whenever he turned up his new page, the image of the young girl appeared in front of him.

     It was 7 o’clock. Everyone arrived and sat silently in the class waiting for the teacher to come. Later then, the teacher arrived and the class started. The teacher walked around the class to check homework. She shouted in consternation when finding that Pichet had not done his homework. Everyone turned their heads to Pichet because it was the first time that he did not finish his work, but Pichet said nothing. The teacher did not also want to know more about this, so she just pretended that nothing had happened. The class, then, continued as usual.

   Pichet, who fell in love with the young girl since the very beginning, didn’t pay any heed to his study. He smiled while watching the tree waving to and fro when blown. The sound of the bird singing on a broken branch of the big tree outside the window lured his heart away. He was still thinking of the rain the day before. The teacher noticed that Pichet acted strangely lately, so she asked “Hey Pichet! What’s wrong with you today?” Pichet did not answer, for he was deeply in his dream like a stone which sank deep to the bed of the ocean.

“Pichet! What’re you doing?” repeated the teacher.
“The Rain,” answered Pichet unexpectedly.

“What? What’s about the rain? It’s sunny today,” retorted the teacher.

“Hahaha…” Everyone laughed.   

“Huh,...huh,... nothing,” answered Pichet shamely.

“I am thinking of nothing. It seems,” he continued, “that it’s going to rain this evening.”

The teacher frowned and said shortly “I hope so.”
The teacher ignored about this and continued the lesson, and Pichet stopped looking outside the window. But he still could not concentrate on his lesson. He always looked at his watch every five minutes.
“Eight thirty-five,” he muttered.
“Eight forty… Eight fifty, Eight fifty five,”
“Nine!!,” he said at last.

    The bell rang and the teacher left the class. Pichet ran hurriedly to the bookshop and asked the shopkeeper for the “Love Book”, and then the shopkeeper gave it to him.

     It was time to start new session. It was English Literature Studies class which Pichet liked the most, but that day he seemed to pay no attention to it.  He was a responsive student, but not now. He sat silently in his seat reading the Love Book he had just bought. Two hours had passed and he also finished reading his book. It was time to go home.

    Pichet went back home and took a nap after having lunch because he was haggard after spending a night staying awake. While sleeping, he dreamed about the young girl, so he smiled. His younger brothers and sister, upon seeing their brother Pichet smiled like this, grew suspicious of what was going on but dared not to wake him up. They just kept it in their mind and walked out.

    When getting up, Pichet was very surprised to know that it was already evening. He intended to take only a short rest, but he fell into a long, safe and sound sleep because of tiredness. He immediately went to the bathroom and bathed himself clean. Not wanting to waste his time, he jumped on his motorbike and told his siblings that he would come back home late that evening.

   Pichet rode his motorbike as fast as the airplane because it was already five minutes late. He had promised to meet his Rain girl at 5:20 p.m., the same time as when he met her the day before, at the same place. When arriving, he saw her standing there waiting for him.

“I’m sorry. I’m late,” Pichet apologized profusely.

“It’s ok. I’ve just arrived too,” reply the girl gently.

“Hmm… May I ask you something?” Pichet asked humbly.

“Huh. Go ahead, please?” replied the girl.

After hearing her giving a chance like this, he asked hesitantly “What’s..uh..what’s your name?

“Phala,” replied the young girl.

“Phala?” shouted Pichet, “it sounds sweet.”

“Thanks!” said Phala.

     They continued to ask for more information from each other until they got to know each other well, and they parted to their own home.

     From then on, they met each other again and again for three months until one day they decided to go on date. It was on 13 July 2008. As the time passed by, they went on date many times. They went out together as boyfriend and girlfriend and told each other to stay focus on study while keeping their love eternal.

    Four years later, the two graduated from universities and had good jobs which paid them pretty salary. One day, on rainy evening, Pichet proposed Phala for marriage. He bought her a bunch of flower and said that “I WILL LOVE YOU UNTIL THE LAST FLOWER DIES”.

“Are you serious?” asked the girl, “until the last flower dies? It’s not long lasting. You don’t love me? Maybe you see another girl better than me.”

Pichet saw her sad expression but did nothing besides smiling and then he said “Do you want to get married with me?”

“No I don’t,” the girl replied angrily. “I don’t want to get married with a man who doesn’t love me forever. I want eternal love.”

“Ok. I let you think for a night and give me your answer tomorrow. I’m waiting,” said Pichet and smiled once again.

“But keep this bouquet,” the man said before leaving.
Phala went home and lay on her bed crying.

“He loves me only until the last flower dies? Hah,, what’s a goddamn!! I want to love you forever,” she said to herself.

Then she remembered the flower, so she picked it up and looked at it. Then she angrily crumpled the flower one by one between her fingers and thrown them into the dustbin. Then she was very surprised to see the last flower was the plastic one. Suddenly, her phone rang and she got a message from Pichet. It read “Dear darling. I love you until the last flower dies.” She smiled and her eyes were brimming over with tears. “I accept your proposal. The last flower will never die, and so does our love,” she said.