July 18, 2012

10 months

"I Love You."

"Why do you love me?"

"No reason. Unconditional love. I just know that I love you."

"The word love is just like a piece of cake. Everyone can say it."

"But I love you for certain."

She was not quite sure of his love for her. But the boy was quite sure of his love for her.

The girl seemed not to believe in his word 'Love', but the boy did believe in it.

"I Love You. Do you love me?"

"I don't know whether I love you or not."
The boy still believed in his feeling, but the girl was not quite sure. The boy asked for her answer for the second time, but the girl didn't give him his answer yet.

"I miss you. I miss you. I miss you. I miss you............................I miss you. I'm missing you."

The boy  sent her 1 million messages saying he miss her, but the girl didn't reply.

For ten months, the boy tried to show her his feeling, his love. He did everything to show her his pure love.

From day to day, the girl saw his true feeling, starting to believe in his love, but she didn't tell him her feeling yet.

One day, the girl decided to show her feeling to the boy. She sent him  a message.

"I miss you too. I love you too."

There was no answer.

The girl waited impatiently.

She sent another message.

"I miss you too. I Love You."

There was still no reply.

She messaged him again, but there was still no reply.

She sent him 100 messages saying she loved him too, but there was no reply.

She thought that the boy must have stopped loving her. She sent him last message.

"Do you still love me?"

The phone rang.

"Alo! Are you the phone's owner's Heart? He saved your name as his Heart. I am calling you from the hospital. I'm sorry to tell you that he died in a car accident. He replied your first message while driving when suddenly he reached a corner and could not control the car."

The phone dropped off her hand. Millions of tears flooded out of her eyes. "I should have told you I love you since the very beginning. My word LOVE killed you."

His love ended in 10 months.

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