February 03, 2013

The Best Memory Ever

He who lives at the present time always has a past, the past which was either bad or good. He who has a good memory always wants to remember it all the time.

In this video, I have selected some of the pictures I took while I was with my friends in Japan in summer 2012. The weather was a bit hot but nothing was a matter because we were enjoying a happy time together. We spent 10 days living together, traveling together, working together, and exchanging experiences with one another. You may say 10 days is a very, very short period of time, but I think it's long enough for us to strengthen our friendship; an eternal friendship. Since we are now apart-- I mean we are far way-- we are not able to meet each other so often like before, but we never forget each other. We still keep in touch with each other on such social media as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and the like. 

For the theme song of this video clip, I have chosen a song titled "I wanna grow old with you" sung by Westlife. I hope that this song is somehow consistent with what we want to convey, and if it's not, I hope that you would not mind me at all.

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