March 30, 2013

ITC Fundraisng Event for Humanity

When hearing the word "Humanity", I raise my hands up and say "I love Humanity." How about you?

Today there is a very big event called Fundraing Day at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC). The purpose of this event is to raise students' awareness of a sense helping needy people in the community by encouraging students from various universities in Cambodia to work and enjoy together while they can earn money to help other needy people at the same time. As I estimate, there are around 3,000 students participating in this event. There are a lot of stores own by different groups of students, one of which is my friends' store in which we sell drinks and food to the participants in the event.

The Head of Department of Rural Engineering, Mrs. Men Nareth, is buying products from our store

Our customers buying our products at our store
All of us are working together in order to attract more customers to our store so that we can earn a lot of money to help those people who are in need of help.

To let you know how big this event is, I have captured a short video clip about the view of the event. Here it is:

I am deeply appreciative for students' making effort in making this event possible. As I observe, all of them join in this event with kindness in their heart. 

March 22, 2013

Cool Japanese Dance

         When I was a young boy, I always hoped that I would have a chance to experience something new. As I remember, when I was in grade 5, I used to see a Japanese traditional dance on TV, and I thought that how it felt if I would one day experience it myself. 

        But everything is possible. We must dare to dream; we must dream. It is just a matter of time. Believe me or not, one day you will meet something beyond your expectation. For instance, I always thought that it was highly unlikely that I would be able to go to Japan, but I dare to dream. And finally my dream have been translated into reality, which is I have a chance to visit Japan twice only in one year.

         When I arrived in Japan at first, I was amazed to see every was completely different from what I used to see in Cambodia. ....(to be continued...)

March 09, 2013

Inuyama Castle

To be written soon........

March 03, 2013

My impression and reflection on movie "Hitsudan Hostess"

I am not a person who own this movie. I just want to share this worth sharing movie to all of you who are interested in learning something. I really like this movie very much.

Life means you need to walk on a long way down the road with strength and hope. I am thinking whether I would be as strong as Rie-san if I couldn't even utter a single word like her. I am really impressed by her strong commitment and absolute determination in living her life meaningfully. She says that difficulty happens on a way to happiness. When one of her customers was about to commit suicide she wrote words from her heart which could help reassure him, that reassurance encouraged him to restart all over again.

Frankly, this movie reflecting the course of one's life is worth sharing. I hope that one day I will visit Ginza, the place of Rie-san's dream.

I bet you will learn something after watching this movie.