November 12, 2014

A Tale of Four Responses: Positivities

There is a moment in life when you have to face challenges and be flexible to overcome those challenges. Some challenges are life changing, life or death, but some are simple yet worth a try. Follows are the four challenging questions I received on different occasions.

A Tale of Four Response is now commencing!

1. Business is all about trust.
2. You should no depend only on one source of income.
3. The ultimate goal of life is happiness.
4. Engineer is not a robot or a senseless machine.


People asked me why I decided to start up a new business only months before I go live abroad for quite a long time and if I wasn't afraid of being cheated by my shareholders. 

My response: "Business is all about trust. It's a principle. Without a trust within the organization, there won't be trust amongst the customers who use our service. I also entrust my three shareholders with managing the business when I'm away. It's only thousands dollars business, not a multimillion one. If they cheat me because of this, I don't have a say. BUT I don't believe that my friends will ever betray me."


People asked me why I had so many job. They said I was young, and hence I should enjoy my life to the max.

My response: "One of Warren Buffet's tips on earning is Do Not Depend On Single Income. Make Investment to Create a New Source. Therefore, there is not even a suspicion of reluctance to do as many jobs as I can to create multiple different sources of income. Regarding enjoying life, I think that I have had so much fun and I am still having and will be having plenty of it. I just spend a half portion of my time doing my jobs, leaving the rest for other important things in life."


People asked me why I decided to do so many unpaid jobs, and most of the time I had to travel across the country to the rural and remote rural areas to lecture those high school students. 

My response: "The ultimate goal of life is happiness. It is a healthy fact that happiness is cultivated from the inner self, rather than exterior influences. Thus, it is not usual of me to boost my happiness by doing socially good activities while create happiness for other less privileged people at the same time. In addition, it's human conscience to help one another when ones are in need. I'm grateful and exhilarated to  see those children hopeful and delightful facial expressions when giving lectures to them. We are not living alone, but i a crowd of our human race."


There was a person saying to me "You graduated with Engineer's degree. Why are you working as a radio presenter? Engineers are serious person."

My response: "An engineer is not a robot nor a senseless machine. An engineer can also talk."

These are what I responded to the questions asked. I hope that my speech doesn't violate any rules or offense anyone of you, readers. Take it if you think it is worthless or leave it if it is worthless. A good sharing should be shared, and a not so good sharing should not be taken either. Good luck!

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