October 17, 2015

Empowering Youth Leaders in Cambodia

Credit: This post is cited from my article originally published on the Global Gazette!
Sovannara Uk, Cambodia, Florida Gulf Coast University
UGRAD 2013 – 2014
Youths are generally referred to as the backbone of society, and thus, empowering youth is synonymous to building a bridge to mobilize the society into the era of prosperity and growth. To reach this end, youth needs opportunities to build and diversify their capacity as leaders of their communities, society, and the world. One opportunity is through Global UGRAD, an international platform where young people from different corners of the world have chances to meet, learn, and grow together. To illustrate, I would like to briefly introduce how the program shapes and continues having positive impacts on me, even after my return home.

A big picture of what I have obtained from the program is the motivation to make contributions to local as well as international communities. I have been actively involved with projects led by the Fulbright and Undergraduate States Alumni Association of Cambodia (FUSACC) and the U.S Embassy in Phnom Penh, some of which are: American Corner, Micro-Access Soft Skill, English Camp at the U.S Embassy, Radio program on Youth and Their Career “Rean Tver-Ey” (literally means why do we need to study or what to do upon graduation), and the National Convention 2014 (known as NatCon). I have also generated and undertaken projects with my friends to share our experience and inspire students, especially those in the rural communities whose chance to get access to education and information is slightly thin. In addition, I always take opportunities to attend different local and international venues to share my stories, perspectives, and the like. For instance, I was invited to speak in a workshop on what field to choose after high school organized by Toul Tompong high school volunteer group, a conference on roadmap to university success by Soiree and OOP, an education seminar by Nihon Fukushu University in Japan, and an education seminar under the auspices of Aichi, Gifu, Mie prefectural education boards hosted by New Tokai English Teachers’ Network in Japan.

Without experience and knowledge gained during my exposure in the program, I would not have had such confidence to do many things like this. I am grateful for it and strongly encourage young, energetic students to take a chance to develop themselves and play a role as a future leader in their communities.

August 20, 2015

Education (Kyouiku) Seminar in Nagoya

Education is very important in everyone's life. However, not every individual has chance to get access to education. For example, in the rural and remote rural communities in Cambodia, it is difficult for students to receive a high quality of education due to a lack of teachers, schools, study materials, and on top of all MOTIVATION. These are the reasons why my team and I always spend our free time or weekend to visit the rural communities and conduct workshops to motivate them and share their stories to the public and international communities so that they will get some support from them. As shown in this article, I attended an event called "Kyouiku (Education) Seminar in Nagoya 2015" organized by New Tokai Eglish Teacher Network (Shin Tokai Eigo Kyouiku Jissensha Network) to share what I have done and how to help students gain motivation in learning with Japanese teachers of English from various high schools across Japan. There were also many great speakers from various universities and institutions.

I gave a speech at Education Seminar in front of approx. 150 Japanese high school teachers of English.
“We hosted Kyouiku (Education) Seminar in Nagoya 2015 at Nagoya International Center. Let me offer my heartfelt thanks, representing Shin Tokai Eigo Kyouiku Jissensha Network to Eiken, Hamajima Shoten, Sanseido, Gakusho, Alpha Eigo Kai, Chunichi Shobo and all the others for your great support and all the great speakers, Ms. Carol Inugai Dixon, Mr. Matsudaira, Ms. Oshima, Ms. Naoyama and Mr. Sovannara who gave us great lectures. We had a great time sharing new ideas, precious information and wealth of experience that all the speakers brought to us.

第三回教育セミナーin名古屋、8月17日、無事実施することができました。ご支援いただいた皆様に感謝、遠方から来てくださった講師の皆様、ご参加頂いた皆様に感謝、ありがとうございました。カンボジアから東京工業大学に留学しているナラ君の話、新潟から来てくださったキャロル先生のInternational Baccaloureateについてのわかりやすい紹介、英検の、頼もしいさまざまなあたらしい動き、神奈川から来てくださった大島先生の落語と英語教育、そして、直山先生の、心強くも、いろいろ考えさせられる話、おかげさまで、本当に贅沢な一日でした。”~ Tetsuhiko Nakanishi, Associate Professor at Nihon Fukushi University

Tets-sensei introduced Ms. Carol Inugai Dixon and welcome her to the stage

July 30, 2015

Getting Scholarship to Study Abroad

This post in just an idea for Cambodian students who want to apply for scholarships to study abroad. The following video is my interview with a local TV. I hope this video is useful. Thank you!

May 21, 2015





母もすごい人です。毎朝私は学校へ行く前に、母はりょうりをたくさん作ります。母のりょうりが大好きです。時々母は忙しいですから、父がりょうりをします。でも 父のりょうりがおいしくないです。母の仕事はふくを売ることです。ふくやは家にあります。


今まで私は1ヶ月間日本にいます。日本へ勉強に来ました。日本の生活は忙しいです。毎日6時間くらい寝ています。国では7時間寝ていました。毎朝日本語のクラスがあります。クラスは9時に始まります。家は大学からすごく遠いですから、6時半までに起きなければ なりません。朝起きで、シャワーを浴びて、朝ごはんを作って、朝ごはんを食べて、ルームメイトと駅へ20分くらいあるいて行きます。家からいちばん近い駅の名前は長津田です。



家にとうちゃくしてから、シャワーを浴びてりょうりを作って、それから勉強します。ねる前に よく おんがくを聞きます。12時にねます。





May 20, 2015

Empowered Chong Community: Fighting for Cultural Preservation and Areng Development

Called by the Prime Minister Hun Sen the ‘Battery Province,’ Koh Kong has potential for
Message from local community
hydropower dam construction projects. Areng dam is one of the plan. However, there have been conflicts caused by its immense natural and cultural impacts to the local indigenous community. Once the dam is constructed, literally 1,500 indigenous people will be forced to relocate to the nearby Cardamom protected forest, and roughly 44 squares kilometers area will be flooded and become a giant water reservoir, destroying endangered animals’ habitats and biodiversity of many kinds. Consequently, with a strong desire to protect their natural and cultural heritages and a concept of eco-tourism in mind, the community people gather together to go against the plan. Based on my observation and interviews with villagers during a study trip to Chong village in Areng valley, this article will explore what the community think and act with regard to Areng valley development, and further discuss how they get empowered to work together as a community.

Commitment to Act against the Dam Construction

PIC's Cambodian Fellow Peace
“We will fight on our own against the construction even if there is no outside support,” a villager clearly emphasized when asked what the community would do during Alex’s absence. This reflects a strong determination of the indigenous people in protecting Areng valley. In a short interview at the community centre in Chong village, a group of villagers actively getting involved in the act against Sinohydro’s hydropower dam construction claimed that the electricity would offer them no benefits at all besides harming their livelihoods and the environment. A villager said that her ancestors had been living in and fed by the valley for over 600 years. “We have lived here very happily. No need, the dam! Even without electricity, we can survive by nature, by our river and by our farming,” said a female villager living nearby the community centre.

Based on my self-study and observation, their statement is correct in the sense that the advantages of the dam and will not outweigh its far-reaching effects on the people, endangered animals and the forests. During the trip, I have observed that Areng River does not flow so strongly that will not be able to efficiently run the turbine to generate electricity during dry season. Also, according to the village representative, there have been two companies coming to assess the feasibility of the hydropower dam project in Areng, and all the results were dissatisfactory as the project will not be profitable, yet diversely impact the entire rainforests. Essentially, the community people understand it clearly that this third company has its hidden agenda beyond their intention to build the dam, and that will be to collect luxurious timbers through clearing out the forests.  So far, they have submitted petitions to Chinese Embassy and Energy and Mining Ministry, and got support from International River Organization.

Community Perspectives: Eco-tourism Planning

When asked about their ideas on Eco-tourism, one villager mentioned the community has planned to transform Areng into a potential eco-tourism site. He continued, “Tatai and other eco-tourism sites in Koh Kong are not better than Areng; why can they make it a profitable place for their people? I think it is about our willingness to make it happen.”

The villagers are now organizing three teams to facilitate trips for visitors. The first is ‘Moto-dub’ team, who will transport visitors from Thmor Bang to the village centre. The second is ‘Housing’ team, who will prepare and provide accommodation at villager houses for the visitors. The third is ‘Guide’ team, which will guide the visitors to ecotourism sites in the areas, such as Chhay Areng River and their tributaries, hiking sites, and Siamese crocodiles’  and dragon fish’s habitats,  many more. However, they added that their efforts in preventing the dam construction is much more important, and they urged all Cambodians and NGOs to pay attention to the Areng valley.  

Development in Areng Valley

Based on interviews with Chong villagers and my observation, there is not much development
Struggling with the muddy road
happening in Areng. First, there is no accessible health centre; if anyone gets sick, they need to travel 20 kilometers from their community. Second, there is no primary school for small kids in the community, making it challenging for villagers to take their children to school, which is far away from home. Third, no communication could be made since there is no phone reception available at the valley. The villagers said they had urged the authorities to consider constructing roads, schools and health centre nearby the community, but the authorities refused by stating Areng valley is a conflicted zone; if schools are built and then the dam is constructed, they will be flooded.

So far, it has been really challenging for tourists to reach this isolated rainforest due to virtually inaccessible roads and communication.

By: Kakada Kuy

April 05, 2015

Monbukagakusho Scholars 2015

Source: The Embassy of Japan in Cambodia

Early this month, April, 38 Cambodian youths are heading to Japan to pursue their study in their fields of study under the scholarship of the Japanese Government named "Monbukagakusho or MEXT Scholarship". There are 4 different levels of study such as: Research Students, Undergraduate Students, College of Technology Students, and Specialized Training College Students.

Amogst the 38, 12 are Research students, 2 Undergraduate students, 14 College of technology students, and 10 Specialized training college students.

Delivering a speech at the Networking and Farewell Reception for the Japanese Goevernment Scholarship Students 2015 which was held on March 26, 2015, H.E. Mr. Yuji KUMAMARU, ambassador of Japan to the Kingdom of Cambodia, stated that "This year there were more than 1,300 Cambodian applicants for the four categories of "Monbukagakusho" scholarship scheme. The figure 1,300 is almost double of the last year's. I applaud every one of you for great effort you made to win the scholarship."

"I am convinced that the Japanese academic environment will offer scholarship recipients a great opportunity to acquire the expertise and knowledge that will become a great asset for your future," he continued.

There were also the scholarship recipients and its alumni attending the reception. Mr. UK Sovannara, a fresh graduate from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and currently waiting to leave for Japan for his graduate school through the Monbukagakusho scholarship, showed his excitement to receive  such a great scholarship. He sincerely hoped he would be able to help contribute in improving irrigation and water management in Cambodia as his research topic put special focus on water management.

Next to him is Ms. Ratha Nawinnou, 16, who is also going to pursue her undergraduate study in Japan (for 5 years)  stated that she did not know whether she would enhance her Japan proficiency within a year before choosing her major or not.

"I'm very delighted. Before knowing the result, I was very nervous. Not until the final result was announced did I feel at ease. I was very happy, especially with the thought that not only did I fulfill my dream but also my parents'," she said with great exhilaration.

Similarly, Ms. Long Kuntheamlis, a junior at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, is the only female scholarship recipients under her category, College of technology students (4-year study) for 2015 fiscal year.

"I am very happy because this scholarship is highly competitive, and more important than this,for this level  rarely do girls receive this scholarship because it is the field of engineering. Last year, there was also only one girl receiving this scholarship, so it is wonderful for me," said Kuntheamlis.

A 17-year-old recent high-school graduate, Mr. Jeakchan Sereysith, said that receiving a scholarship to study in Japan was like a dream come true.

"When I received a call from my senior to tell me that I passed [the scholarship], I was very happy, thinking that my life would change. It was like a dream. I thought I would become more independent as I had to stay away on my own in Japan," he said, chuckling.

It should be noted that the government of Japan has been providing scholarship to Cambodians to study in Japan since 1992. So far, there are 495 Cambodian student invited to study in Japan under "Monbukagakusho" scheme. *[According to the ambassador speech the figure should be 570 students]

For more information, please visit http://www/studyjapan.go.jp/en/index.html or send email to  info.jpn@pp.mofa.go.jp​  or call to  023-217-161 

Translated by: Sovannara Uk
Sources: http://goo.gl/Qq2z8r 

March 30, 2015

Why UGRAD? An adventure of a lifetime

Sovannara UkSovannara Uk, Cambodia, 2013-14 UGRAD Alum
In Cambodia, children more or less take their seniors as role models. This can be a direct or indirect influence. One common thing almost all of us have experienced is a question asked by our parents or our elders. “What do you want to be when you grow up?” This question was also asked by my dad when I was eight years old. As a young boy, I just told him what I had heard of: “I want to be a governor,” I said. However, as I grew up and witnessed the challenges that people in my country were facing, together with my own knowledge accumulated from on-and-off-campus experiences, I found a way to realize my true passion. I wanted to be an engineer (infrastructure, water resource, and environmental engineer), an engineer who plays a pivotal role in transforming people’s way of life from nature-dependent to practical, real-world, problem-solving minded and whose purpose is to trace the root of the environmental, infrastructure, and water-resource related challenges that affect the livelihood and well-being of the people. To put it in another way: I wanted a job that could help build a decent society in which people are evenly treated, regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds.
I could see engineering playing a potential role in introducing positive change to the country. Cambodian people have been suffering from poverty stricken conditions and sanitation problems: accessibility to safe drinking water is still limited (especially for people in rural and remote areas), the management of sewage waste water is still ineffective, and the disposal of waste into the natural environment is still done without proper treatment and regulation. Without a doubt, choosing rural engineering as a major is the best choice to fulfill my dream, a dream for a better Cambodia. I realized, however, that it was not enough to study solely in my country. I needed to go out of the hut to learn techniques used in more developed countries to introduce to Cambodia for its development.
Thus, instead of focusing merely on academic subjects, I sought opportunities that would open doors to the outside world. The second most recent scholarship I got was the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD 2013), an amazing opportunity offered by the US Department of State. Why did I decide to apply for UGRAD? The major contributing factor in deciding to fill in the application was CountPareSelf. This is a self-created word representing three independent words, all of which are CountryParents, and Self.
With respect to Country, it is critically important that youth, including me, take steps to reinforce and refine our abilities. By embarking on the UGRAD journey, I expected that I would bring back innovative ideas, practical skills, and many relevant techniques to Cambodia. Having the opportunity to enroll in an American university was genuinely crucial for my career; besides, it was my parents’ wish to see me grasp an opportunity to broaden access to better education, get in the real world, and learn new life skills. Last but not least, to grow personally, academically and professionally was another compelling factor that contributed to my drive. I believed that living on my own in a foreign land, traveling to vibrant cities throughout the US, making friends with our fellow citizens of the world, and speaking a foreign language daily would help me grow and reach my highest potential. More importantly, studying abroad would make my CV look attractive and have a lasting impact on my future profession.
However, sought-after things are not always easy to obtain. UGRAD is among the toughest scholarships offered in Cambodia: hundreds of applicants are filtered through a narrow-tube funnel, placing three layers of membranes on the top of it, to designate only four or five candidates to join the program. Therefore, psychologically, the state of agitation will wrack your nerves, leading to discouragement, no matter how confident you are or how excellent your academic background. Fortunately, I am blessed to have a very supportive family; my parents are my anchors when troubles or difficulties loom large. They give me momentum to bike up the hill, encouraging me not to give up despite any difficulties faced.
My life journey in the US left me with a glorious, indelible mark. It was an adventure of a lifetime which provided me unique and invaluable experiences. In only a blink of time – five months – I encountered many things, both the pleasant and not-as-pleasant, with the former dominating the latter.
Sovannara Uk 2
I took four subjects during the semester: three related to engineering and one American Studies class. I adored taking courses with helpful, knowledgeable and approachable professors – many of whom were international themselves. However, the UGRAD program is not all about studying. Students also participate in cultural events: they travel to different natural, historical, and cultural tourism sites; they attend sporting events; they volunteer in their communities; they visit museums; they attend workshops, seminars, conferences, and symposiums. Thus, life on the UGRAD program is so rich, filled with all tastes.
Sovannara Uk 3
The pursuit of my studies in the US was extremely meaningful for me. With well-structured modules, specific and realistic educational objectives, state-of-art learning facilities, and conducive learning environments, Florida Gulf Coast University enabled me to reach my highest potential as a learner. I felt motivated to study in such an academic atmosphere. In addition to attending class lectures, I also participated in laboratory activities and engineering clubs to sharpen my practical skills and gain insight into the relationships between engineering and society. I had a chance to perform analysis in a special lab full of exorbitant, high-tech equipment, and to be part of the American Society of Civil Engineers. I also met many researchers and scientists in the fields of civil, water, hydrology and ecosystem engineering.
Besides school, I also had action-packed weekends and plenty of time to explore. The UGRAD program provides a monthly allowance and cultural enrichment allowance to experience America and discover the unknown. As a result, I visited Everglades National Park to see alligators in their natural habitat; traveled to beautiful cities like Atlanta, Washington, DC, and New York; explored museums the Smithsonian Museums; attended sporting events like ice hockey and basketball; and hiked the tranquil, magnificent trails within the immediate vicinity of the school complex. During my travels and experiences on the program, I met thousands of people and made hundreds of friends from a dozen countries around the world.
In short, the one good thing about being part of the Global UGRAD family is that we have a golden chance to enrich our lives, to find meaning for them. There is an old saying which says: “Travel. It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” If you don’t escape from your comfort zone, you will never come to realize what the world is like and who you really are.
After being polished in America, my life is different. I have received a tremendous learning experience to widen my view on the world. It is immeasurable and will be immensely valuable in transforming me into the person I aspire to be. Over the course of the program, I found two new inspirations: the spirit of “volunteerism” and the idea of “professionalism.” Through volunteering, I was inspired to participate more actively in activities that give back to the community. Upon my return to Cambodia, I have participated in various volunteer projects with the Fulbright and Undergraduate State Alumni Association of Cambodia (FUSAAC) as well as generated my own projects with friends. Currently, I am a presenter for a radio program focusing on “Youths and Career at their Best” organized by FUSAAC, a guest speaker and a panelist in different venues, an English trainer to Cambodian youths, and a writer, all with the aim of informing young people about their role as a cornerstone of the country and enabling them to cultivate their highest potential.
Not long after participating in the program, I was inspired to pursue a higher degree upon completing my undergraduate studies. Currently, I am waiting to set off to Japan for my research study, and look forward to taking the entrance exam for a Master’s degree course in October 2015.
Sovannara 4
All of these amazing experiences would not have been possible if I had not dared to dream big and apply for the UGRAD program. As an alum, I would like to strongly encourage all of you, readers, to grasp this divine opportunity to crack open the shell to see the light of your future. Everything is in your hands; clench it or let it go, it’s your choice.

March 26, 2015

Get A Foreign Scholarship

PHNOM PENH (Khmer Times) – Hard work and reluctance to give up help to explain the success of Uk Sovannara.  He never hesitates before a challenge and tries not to leave an opportunity unused.  

Mr. Sovannara, age 24, has won a scholarship for research study in Japan. He majored in civil engineering and graduated with a  bachelor’s degree from Institute of Technology of Cambodia. He specialized in water resources and rural infrastructure engineering.

Mr. Sovannara has gained experience in his field by taking short course classes and seminars overseas, in the US and Japan. 

He built on these educational experiences to get the scholarship. 

He recommends students who want to follow in his footsteps to search for scholarship opportunities on the web, focusing on universities in their area of specialty. They must have the self-confidence to apply for scholarships too.

“If you just know [about scholarship opportunities], but you don’t go for it, you will never ever receive that scholarship,” Mr. Sovannara said, stating the obvious.

Based on his experience, students must know where a desired scholarship is available, its requirements, conditions, and selection processes. 

Scholarship providers ask applicants to submit academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, and other necessary documents. Thus, students need to read instructions carefully and prepare documents accordingly.

“After checking all necessary information about that scholarship, what you need to do is to apply for it,” he said. 

After the application form is filled out and submitted most of the institutions offering scholarships may require one to write a personal statement and/or present a study plan or research proposal. 

He said that he believes that Cambodia’s youth have the potential to develop the country further. 

“There are a lot of outstanding students out there, but some of them are not well-informed,” he said. “They just need guidance to show them the way.”  

He pointed out that Cambodia is in dire need of highly trained men and women to fulfill critical needs, He, for one, plans to work in the field of water resource engineering after graduation. 

“To be a researcher in the field of water resources is a job I would like to do,” Mr. Sovannara said. “Water resource engineering plays a pivotal role in transforming people’s way of life.”

About half of all Cambodians are engaged in agriculture, he noted.

“If we travel across the country, we will see that there are not enough irrigation systems,” said Mr. Sovannara.

“We need to do more research regarding water resource management, allocation, and the like,” he said, warming to his favorite subject.  

“We are living in a society that depends on agriculture, so we must consider maximizing the productivity of agriculture by improving the irrigation systems and water resource management.”

Source: Khmer Times

January 19, 2015


                                                   "The major contributory factor, perhaps, in deciding to fill in the                                                                  application form was CountPareSelf..............."

Nameអ៊ុក សុវណ្ណារ៉ា ,  UK SOVANNARA  (Empire Nara)
Date of birth: May 15, 1991
Place of Birth: Prey Veng, Cambodia
Host University in the U.S: Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU), Florida
E-mail: ugrad_cambodia_empire@yahoo.com or suk0366@eagle.fgcu.edu

Born into a modest-background family in a small rural village in the southern part of Cambodia, Sovannara was as simple as other country boys in the village, not going to school and having no chance to enjoy a civilized lifestyle. However, at the age of 5, his father, who originally came from a neighboring province and who was a high school teacher of math and physics, took his mom and him to live in his hometown, Kampog Cham province. They moved there in 1996. Arriving at the new place, he had a chance to go to school, and that was the starting point of his life, a life which provided him with education. He received his Engineer’s degree in Rural Engineering with special emphases on Water Resource and Rural Infrastructure from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, the most prestigious engineering school in Cambodia and where he got a scholarship, in 2013 and Bachelor’s degree in Education (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) from the Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL), the premier public English institution in the country, in 2014. During his undergraduate study, he was awarded scholarships abroad three years in a row. He went on two short exchange programs to Japan in his third and fourth years, and a short exchange program to study in USA through Global UGRAD 2013 in his fifth year at university. He is currently under the Government-of-Japan-sponsored scholarship (MEXT Scholarship) majoring in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. In addition, he is a co-founder and a vice president of SMACR, a scholarly club which gathers together those well-rounded, educated young people who have been abroad so that they are able to engage and share their experiences and stories with other fellow youths in Cambodia. He is also a firm believer in the spirit of volunteerism, and hence soon after returning from the U.S, he has been actively involved with many socially good activities through the Fulbright and Undergraduate State Alumni Association of Cambodia (FUSAAC). Please visit his Blog at www.uksovannara.blogspot.com.

Childhood and Education
Born in May 15, 1991 in Prey Veng province, near Vietnamese border and about ninety kilometers from Phnom Penh, the Capital city of Cambodia, I later—at the age of five— moved to Kampong Cham province where my education thenceforth began. To be perfectly honest, I didn't like school at that time because I was bullied by those young kids who self-announced to be the mafia in the school. I would crouch down and curl up under the table whenever the bell rang signifying it was time to have a break, so that I could be freed from those thugs; I called them so because they would punch and scratch me in the face if they had seen me. However, as time passed by, it went past; everything changed. No one would fight me as I received good grade in class. I could raise my face up and started to feel more confident.

My six-year long primary schooling ended in July 2003, the time when my youngest brother, Sophearith, was born, and I entered my high school life thereafter—there were no lower and upper secondary schools there because those two levels of schooling were combined and conducted in the same compound. My high school life was a bittersweet memories intertwined. However, it was not unusual owing to the fact that all men on earth encountered obstacles. Notwithstanding some disappointments, at the end of the day, I could still thrive to success as I was optimistic to see those challenges as opportunities to grow.

In 2009, I had to take my high school exit exam before I could go to university. Fortunately enough, I passed my examination with a good grade, so I could take an entrance exam at any universities I preferred. At the conclusion of the year 2009, I was admitted to two universities simultaneously as an undergraduate, majoring in Engineering and Education in English. Undoubtedly, college life oscillated between desperation and hope. There were some times I felt so stressed that I wanted to give up while there were some other times I was zealous and full of energy to achieve greatness. Often times, I spent eleven hours every single weekday on school campus, the Institute of Technology of Cambodia as well as the Institute of Foreign Languages. I barely had a task-free day because I also had a weekend discussion group and a club to join, except for Sunday that I had to do laundry. Yet, in one way or more, I like that hectic life as it enabled me to enjoy the apex of my college life, a life with a long-run vision and feasible mission, and there was a person behind the scene, shaping my perspective and encouraging me to have such a clear goal in life.

In Cambodia, children take, more or less, their seniors as a role model. It can be a direct or an indirect influence. One common thing almost all of us, if not all, have undergone is a question asked by our parents or our elders. “What do you want to be when growing up?” is a question commonly asked by parents to their children when their children are young, and this question was also asked by my dad when I was eight years old. However, as a young boy, I just told him what I had heard of. “I want to be a governor,” I told him. However, as I grew up and witnessed multiple different life-challenging events people in my country were facing, together with knowledge accumulated from daily both-on-and-off-campus life, I found a way to realize my true passion. I want to be an engineer (infrastructure, water resource, and environmental engineer), an engineer who plays a pivotal role in transforming people’s way of life from nature-dependent to practical, real-world, problem-solving minded and whose purpose is to trace the root of the environmental, infrastructure, and water-resource related challenges that affect the livelihood and wellbeing of the people. To put it in another way, I want a job which could help build a decent society in which people are evenly treated, regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds.

I could see the potential of the role of engineering playing in introducing a positive change to the country. So far, Cambodian people have been suffering nonstop, aside from political conflicts that stirred up the country in the past few decades, from poverty stricken conditions and sanitation problems. Farmers are left to do farming without having the foggiest idea what it will turn out to be at the end of the harvest season. They don’t know whether they will have enough water to irrigate their farms during the hot period, best described as drought if serious, and whether there will be too much water resulted from rainstorms or floods. Often times, Cambodian peasants face with this calamity, and this is amongst factors leading to poverty. Regarding to sanitation issues, the accessibility to safe drinking water still is limited, especially for people in rural and remote rural areas, the management of sewage wastewater still is bad and ineffective, and the disposal of waste into natural environment still is done without proper treatment and regulation. Without a doubt, choosing rural engineering as a major is the best choice to fulfill my dream, a dream for a better Cambodia. I, however, realized that it was not enough to study solely in the country. I needed to go out of the hut to get more practical knowledge and techniques used in those more developed countries to introduce to Cambodia for the country’s development.

Thus, instead of focusing merely on academic subjects, I industriously sought for any opportunities offered to open the door to see the outside world.  Consequently, my effort paid off. I have been to a few countries through various scholarships and sponsorships. The second to most recent scholarship I got was the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD 2013), an amazing scholarship offered by the U.S Department of State. Global UGRAD is a short-term exchange scholarship program which provides a unique opportunity for undergraduates from all around the world to study in universities throughout America for one semester or a year. The vision of this program is to promote international collaboration amongst youths worldwide who are prospective leaders in their countries, to enable them to gain new knowledge and skills so that they can apply those upon returning to their home countries, and to better understand the U.S society and value through participation in various events during their exposure in the program.

My Decision

Why did I decide to apply for UGRAD scholarship? Well, if asked, I would response this way: The major contributory factor, perhaps, in deciding to fill in the application form was CountPareSelf. I clearly understand you will not be able to look this aberrant word up in any dictionaries, no matter what. In fact, CountPareSelf is a self-created word representing three independent words, all of which are Country, Parents, and Self.

With respect to Country, it is critically important that youths, including me, take steps forwards to reinforce and refine our abilities. By embarking on UGRAD journey, I expected that I would bring back with me innovative ideas, practical skills, and many other relevant techniques to Cambodia. I perfectly understand that Cambodia is in dire need of human resource in scientific sectors, particularly engineering, yet its ability to cultivate highly qualified human resource in those areas still is very limited; ergo, grasping an opportunity to enroll in one of the American universities is genuinely crucial. Besides, it is my parents’ wish to see me grasp an opportunity to broaden access to better education, get in the real world, learn new life skills, and so on. In the other words, they will be more than happy if I could get that scholarship. It is one of the ways to bring them dignity, I thought. Last but not least, to grow personally, academically and professionally is another compelling factor encouraging me to go for it. I seriously believed that living on my own in the foreign land, traveling those glamorous, vibrant cities throughout the U.S rather than staying in the same place day in day out, making friends with our fellow citizens of the world, speaking a foreign language every single day, and sitting in classrooms where famous professors specialized in the subjects lectured would help me grow and reach my highest potential. More importantly, studying abroad for one or two semesters would make my CV looks good and attractive and have a lasting impact on my future profession. Therefore, there was not even a small suspicion of reluctance to seize this awesome opportunity.

However, any sought-after things are not easy to obtain. UGRAD is amongst the toughest scholarships offered in Cambodia; hundreds of applicants are filtered through a narrow-tube funnel, placing three layers of membranes on the top of it, to obtain only 4 or 5 successful candidates to join the program. Therefore, psychologically, the state of agitation will directly or indirectly rack your nerve, leading to discouragement, no matter how confident you are or how excellent your academic background is. Fortunately, I am blessed to have born into a very supportive family; my parents are my anchors when troubles or difficulties loom large. They always buoy me up when I am very disheartened. They give me momentum to bike up the hill, encouraging me not to give up despite any difficulties faced.

UGRAD Selection Process

In September 2012, my high school chum, who never questions my ability, sent the application form of UGRAD scholarship to me through a Facebook message from Portland, Oregon. His name is Bun Bona. He went to the state in 2009. After receiving the application form, I filled in all details and submitted it to the local U.S Embassy prior to my departure to Tokyo for a short study about reconstruction after Japan Great East Earthquake and Tsunami which struck the eastern Japan on March 11, 2011, taking thousands of lives and sweeping away people’s properties. A week following the submission of the application, I received a phone call from my dad telling me I was shortlisted and was invited for the interview which was to be held on December 14, 2012. Oh, no! It was already December 12, and I still physically was in Japan. I was not able to attend the interview on the assigned date.

Happily, after negotiating with the embassy, I was allowed to enter the interview room in the morning of December 20, 2012, ten hours after my return to Cambodia. I felt so exhausted that I had to sleep upon arriving home. The next morning, I set off for the U.S embassy for the interview. I did not meet any other candidates, however. The main reason was that I was the last one—everyone else had already done it. The interview ended after 20 minutes, and thenceforward I returned home waiting for the result nervously, checking my e-mail’s inbox twice or thrice a day hoping the word CONGRATULATIONS to appear.

Surprisingly, as wished, after some five weeks, I was informed that I had been selected as a successful candidate of the interview, so I was, ipso facto, obliged to take the English standard test, TOEFL iBT. I overheard from people in my school discussing how difficult the test was, especially for us, non-native English users. What’s rib-ticklingly funnier is that I had only a couple of days’ grace to prepare for the test, for the date I was informed was only a few days afore the test day. I was panic but somehow it was exciting. The test day would be the first time in forever I met all successful applicants of interview for UGRAD 2013.

 However, the weird story went on and on. There were 12 people claiming to be successful candidates of interview for the program, contrasting to the fact that only 6 people were mentioned in the email sent out by the U.S Embassy. It seemed great to meet more new people, but that there were more people than the usual quota of the scholarship grantees annoyed us—the six persons whose names were in the list—in some ways. None of us knew who would be safe. ANXIOUS, EVERYONE WAS!

We were in the same boat for virtually four months after taking the test, sorely awaiting the announcement of the finalists of the program; we were panic-stricken people within the waiting period. We were afraid of losing a chance to chase our dream, a dream which had been closer to reality already. Each and every one of us wanted to get it, but it was far beyond possibility. Some people needed to step down; we just didn't know who for sure.   

In the late afternoon of May 25, 2013, a notification popped up in our email’s inbox. It was a piece of earth-shattering news, the news which was interpreted differently. It was either the happiest or the saddest moment, the former for those who got admitted and the latter for those who were rejected.
I was reluctant to click open the new mail, fearful that I might be the unlucky one. I contemplated for a while before deciding to see what was inside.

          From: Uy, Akhara,      
          Subject: UGRAD Result Notification       
          Date: May 23, 2013           
          To: Empire Nara <sovannara_itcifl@yahoo.com>                                                                                                                         
         Dear Sovannara,

I am pleased to inform you that you are now confirmed as a finalist by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. However, we are still waiting on the U.S. universities and colleges on confirmed placements.  Please be advised that your U.S. university placements and travel dates will be forthcoming in a couple of weeks.
   Thank you,

   Uy Akhara
   Alumni Coordinator
   Public Affairs Section
   U.S Embassy Phnom Penh
   Tel: +855-23-728-683
   Mobile: +855-68-999920

Hooray! I was amongst the only five successful candidates to win a ticket to enter the land of opportunity. ULTIMATELY, I DID IT! I REALIZED MY DREAM! I was exhilarated. And I hastily called my parents to inform them that piece of amazeballs news.

 First Step on the New Land
My life journey in the U.S left with me a glorious, indelible mark. It was an adventure of a lifetime which provided me unique and invaluable experiences in my life. In only a blink of time, 5 months, I encountered a lot of experiences, both the pleasant and not-as-pleasant ones, the former dominating the latter.

My story started at Chicago International Airport. I arrived in Chicago on January 2, 2014 at around 8 a.m. local time. It was a very long journey had I ever taken in my life, spending well over thirty hours, including time for transit at 3 locations: Saigon, Tokyo, and Chicago, prior to my arrival in the city I resided. Upon arriving in Chicago, I had to check out my luggage before heading towards Fort Myers, Florida. After having my stuffs checked out, I started to feel absolutely nervous. The airport was so huge, one hundred times as big as that in my own country. Everywhere was dominated by strangers, some were tall, taller than my own people, and some were short, shorter than me, and the circulation of floating people was almost continuous, not longer than a few seconds that a place was left unoccupied. The air did also smell different from that I used to breathe in my own land. Yeah, it should be so since I was in a different country. It couldn’t be stranger. I felt my heart beat faster and faster as time passed by, yet I still did not have any faintest ideas which direction I should go, utterly directionless. Gazing at the outside view through the absolutely transparent glass, I could see the falling snow through my bare eyes for the first time in twenty two years, and the whole land was already covered by white snow, forming several large, white piles at multiple different locations throughout the city. It looked nice, but it was evil, showing its openly particular hostility to a newcomer like me. I came from a tropical area where the weather was hot and humid, and thus it was not easy to adapt to a new environment in only a twist of time, especially from a comfortable warm weather to a deadly freezing one.

Overwhelmed, I needed to ask someone for direction. I did. Next to an automatic door revolving nonstop around its vertical axis stood a middle-aged security guard, waving his hands as passengers passed by. I humbly said hello to him, and he smiled at me. He was delightful and friendly, very friendly. I felt a bit relieved after chit-chatting with him. He told me which direction I should go, and I finally could get to the waiting room for boarding. As a result of sleep deprivation—I could not sleep on the plane for two nights— I felt drowsy and slept on the sofa for a couple hours before boarding. I finally arrived in Fort Myers at 8:30 p.m.

I was not worried at all, let alone anxious, when arriving at Southwest Florida International Airport, Fort Myers, owing to the fact that I had a girl picked me up there. Her name is Lucy. Lucy was my Eagle Ambassador (at that time). At my university, Florida Gulf Coast University, there is a program called Eagle I Ambassador organized by the International Office, in which American-native students or international students who have been living and studying in the U.S for ages volunteer to help facilitate international students during their stay in the state. Lucy is a nice, ebullient, young girl majoring in Political Science. Not only is she kind and friendly, but also gorgeous. Her boyfriend is Jesso, and he is also in the same college as mine, U.A Whitaker College of Engineering (WCE), yet his major is Software Engineering. Both of them helped me a lot during my study there. Once a month, on balmy summer evenings, I remember, they would drive me to the nicest restaurants downtown and occasionally to the picturesque seaside resorts.

I arrived at my dorm at around 9 p.m., late in the evening. Lucy helped me checked in and then drew a map on scrap paper for me so that I could get to the international student orientation on time. After that she went back home, and I could sleep after a long, tiring day.

A New Page of My Life in the New Land

 I was woken up by a shaft of sunlight shining through an infinitesimally small opening of the wall.  The light pointed directly to my left eye for seconds, forcing me to arise early on the first morning. It was not early, actually. It was 8 a.m. already, yet due to cold weather outside, I could see no people getting out of their beds. However cold the weather was, I had to join an orientation organized specially for international students by the International Office to inform us what we were supposed to interact in a new academic and social life.

I saw a bunch of unfamiliar faces in the air-conditioning room. Aflame with exuberance, they were chit-chatting about this and that with one another. I could tell they came from different corners of the world by just listening to their various accents. They were all enthusiastic in making new friends, their faces all ablaze with excitement. Unlike what I had thought before arriving in the room, I felt very comfortable with such an inclusive community.

The orientation began with an opening remark by the Head of International Office, followed by many other school personnel including the university police officer who came to explain the rules and regulations as well as to assure us full security within the region. There were also some fun activities enabling us to get to know one another better and to avoid cultural conflicts which would be unexpectedly arise during the course of interaction with people of completely different sociocultural backgrounds, especially the newly met. At the end of the day, the event produced a most fruitful result, with everyone animatedly participating in the activities. 

The Academic Life Vs Social Life

As mentioned earlier, UGRAD program is not all about studying. Students are supposed to take classes related to their majors as well as to expose themselves to the new world, participating in cultural events; traveling to different natural, historical, and cultural tourism sites; attending sporting events; volunteering to do socially good activities; visiting museums; attending workshops, seminars, conferences, and symposiums; and the like. Thus, life in the U.S provided by the UGRAD program is so rich, filled with all tastes.

Sitting in a classroom with those students born with the language, I was overwhelmed by the words they used—mostly it contained slangs. Frankly, I could not understand what they said for two weeks, except for the lectures in class in which academic words were used. After the adaptation period, life seemed easier and more fascinating.

I took four most interesting subjects, all of which were engineering subjects except for one American Studies class. I adore taking those courses with those friendly, helpful, knowledgeable, and approachable professors. My Hydrology and Hydraulics professor is a dual citizen, half German and half American, my Fundamental of Environmental Engineering professor is a Korean immigrating to the U.S for the pursuit of his study and got a job there, my Surveying and Geomatics professor is a Nigerian-native professor, and my American National Government professor is native American. They were all nice to me, and I liked the way they treated all of their students.

The pursuit of my study in the U.S was extremely meaningful for me. With well-structured modules, specific and realistic educational aims and objectives, well-established and state-of-art learning facilities, and conducive learning environments, along with approachable, highly qualified faculties, Florida Gulf Coast University enabled me to reach my highest potential as a learner. I felt very motivated to study in such an academic atmosphere. In addition to just sitting in class listening to lectures, I also participated in laboratory activities and engineering clubs to sharpen my practical skills and gain full insights into relationships between engineering and society.  I had a chance to perform lab analysis in the special lab full of exorbitant, high-tech equipment, and to be part of a famous club named American Society of Civil Engineers. I have also met, talked and lunched with, through attending a professional conference, many researchers and scientists in the field of civil, water, hydrology and ecosystem engineering, several of whom are: (1) Laura Geselbratch, senior scientist, The Nature Conservancy Florida Chapter, (2) Dr. Nancy Gessman, Sustainability Manager, Public Works Sustainability Division, City of Fort Lauderdale, (3) Carol Collier, Executive Director, Delaware River Basin Commission, and (4) Dr. Clyde Fraisse, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, University of Florida, to name a few.  

Besides school, I also had action-packed weekends and plenty of time to explore the land. To travel, we need money, yet it was not a problem at all. UGRAD program provided us monthly allowance and cultural enrichment allowance for traveling expense while roaming around America to disclose unrevealed mysteries and discover the unknown. To me, I have visited Everglades National Park located in Florida to see alligators in their natural habitat; traveled several breathtakingly beautiful cities such as the City of Acadia to see Rodeo, Atlanta city in Georgia, Columbia district in Washington, DC, the bustling city, New York City (The City That Never Sleep); visited a few museums namely United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, National Air and Space Museum, National Museum of Natural History, and Ringling Brothers Circus Museum; went to compulsive sport games, Ice Hockey and Basketball; went swimming and kayaking at the alluring Key Lover and Fort Myers Beach; went rollerblading and dancing downtown and took a road trip; and went hiking in the tranquil, magnificent, natural trials within the immediate vicinity of the school complex. On Saturday afternoons, I would lie on the white, made-made beach behind my dorm with my European friends. Therefore, during my exposure in the program, I have met thousands of people and made hundreds of friends from a dozen countries on earth.

In short, the one good thing about being part of the Global UGRAD family is that we have a golden chance to enrich our life, to find meanings for it. There is an old saying which I can’t agree with more and it goes: “Travel. It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” So if you don’t escape from your comfort zone, you will not come to realize how the world is exactly like and who you really are.

An Emergence of new Inspirations

After being polished in America for roughly four months, my life is different. I have received a tremendous learning experience to widen my perspectives and view on the world. It is immeasurable and will be immensely valuable in transforming me to be someone I aspire to be. Over the course of four months in the UGRAD program, I have found two new inspirations, both of which are the Spirit of Volunteerism and Professionalism. Through volunteering with a couple organizations to do community services, I was inspired to participate more actively in socially good activities. Thus, upon my return to Cambodia, I have been participating actively in various volunteering projects with the Fulbright and Undergraduate State Alumni Association of Cambodia—FUSAAC is its acronym— as well as generating our own projects with my friends. Currently, I am a presenter for a radio program focusing on “Youths and Career at their Best” organized by FUSAAC, with a strong support from the local U.S Embassy, a guest speaker and a panelist in different venues, a trainer of English to Cambodian youths, a team leader and facilitator of several projects including the one at the U.S Embassy, and a writer, all for informing young people about their role as a cornerstone of the country by inspiring them to have a clear goal in life and to do what is considered important in enabling them to cultivate their highest potential. Also, not long after participating in the annual conference at FGCU and met several scientists, I was inspired and decided I pursued a higher degree after graduating from my engineer’s degree. Hence, currently I am waiting to set off to Japan for my research study, and looking forward to taking entrance exam for a Master’s degree course in October 2015 after taking an Intensive Japanese class for six months upon my arrival in Japan.

All of these amazing experiences would not have been nurtured provided that I dared not dream big to apply for that scholarship (UGRAD Scholarship). Therefore, as an alumnus of UGRAD program, I would like to strongly encourage all of you, readers, to grasp this divine opportunity to crack open the shell to see the light of your future. Everything is in your hands; clench it or let it go, it’s your choice.