April 05, 2015

Monbukagakusho Scholars 2015

Source: The Embassy of Japan in Cambodia

Early this month, April, 38 Cambodian youths are heading to Japan to pursue their study in their fields of study under the scholarship of the Japanese Government named "Monbukagakusho or MEXT Scholarship". There are 4 different levels of study such as: Research Students, Undergraduate Students, College of Technology Students, and Specialized Training College Students.

Amogst the 38, 12 are Research students, 2 Undergraduate students, 14 College of technology students, and 10 Specialized training college students.

Delivering a speech at the Networking and Farewell Reception for the Japanese Goevernment Scholarship Students 2015 which was held on March 26, 2015, H.E. Mr. Yuji KUMAMARU, ambassador of Japan to the Kingdom of Cambodia, stated that "This year there were more than 1,300 Cambodian applicants for the four categories of "Monbukagakusho" scholarship scheme. The figure 1,300 is almost double of the last year's. I applaud every one of you for great effort you made to win the scholarship."

"I am convinced that the Japanese academic environment will offer scholarship recipients a great opportunity to acquire the expertise and knowledge that will become a great asset for your future," he continued.

There were also the scholarship recipients and its alumni attending the reception. Mr. UK Sovannara, a fresh graduate from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and currently waiting to leave for Japan for his graduate school through the Monbukagakusho scholarship, showed his excitement to receive  such a great scholarship. He sincerely hoped he would be able to help contribute in improving irrigation and water management in Cambodia as his research topic put special focus on water management.

Next to him is Ms. Ratha Nawinnou, 16, who is also going to pursue her undergraduate study in Japan (for 5 years)  stated that she did not know whether she would enhance her Japan proficiency within a year before choosing her major or not.

"I'm very delighted. Before knowing the result, I was very nervous. Not until the final result was announced did I feel at ease. I was very happy, especially with the thought that not only did I fulfill my dream but also my parents'," she said with great exhilaration.

Similarly, Ms. Long Kuntheamlis, a junior at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, is the only female scholarship recipients under her category, College of technology students (4-year study) for 2015 fiscal year.

"I am very happy because this scholarship is highly competitive, and more important than this,for this level  rarely do girls receive this scholarship because it is the field of engineering. Last year, there was also only one girl receiving this scholarship, so it is wonderful for me," said Kuntheamlis.

A 17-year-old recent high-school graduate, Mr. Jeakchan Sereysith, said that receiving a scholarship to study in Japan was like a dream come true.

"When I received a call from my senior to tell me that I passed [the scholarship], I was very happy, thinking that my life would change. It was like a dream. I thought I would become more independent as I had to stay away on my own in Japan," he said, chuckling.

It should be noted that the government of Japan has been providing scholarship to Cambodians to study in Japan since 1992. So far, there are 495 Cambodian student invited to study in Japan under "Monbukagakusho" scheme. *[According to the ambassador speech the figure should be 570 students]

For more information, please visit http://www/studyjapan.go.jp/en/index.html or send email to  info.jpn@pp.mofa.go.jp​  or call to  023-217-161 

Translated by: Sovannara Uk
Sources: http://goo.gl/Qq2z8r 

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