December 23, 2012

Strage Stories~ A Kiss Mysterious

 She put her soft, pinky lips on my lips. I felt wondeful....

             On one wonderful winter night, about a week ago, I encountered the most wonderful experience in my life. My friends and I were roaming a street of Tokyo. It was so cold outside, so we wore thick clothes so as to avoid catching a cold. As I remember, it was around 11p.m and there were not many people in the street. We were walking chit-chatting happily when suddenly all of my friends disappeared. I was so shocked that I didn't know what to do besides running as fast as I possibly could. I ran into a small house, where I met a young, beautiful, Japanese girl whose age was around 18 years old. She smiled at me and said that she was waiting for me. Hesitant and surprised, I couldn't utter even a single word. My heart ran up to my throat and blocked my vocal cord from producing any sounds. She approached me and leaned her head toward me. She put her soft, pinky lips on my lips. I closed my eyes at that time, but I could feel wonderful. Ouch....,, I cried upon I opened my eyes and couldn't see her. "Where's she gone?", I shouted. I shouted until I woke up and realized that it was just a dream.

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