September 20, 2013

Angkor Wat (One of the Seven Wonders of the World)

          Built in the early 12th century by the Khmer king named Suryavarman II, Angkor Wat Temple is located in Siem Reap province, which is 251 km in the northwestern of Cambodia. It is one of the seven wonders of the world. Every year, millions of visitors from various parts of the world come to visit and enjoy the cultural beauty of the temple. They can enjoy both Khmer architectural styles and the sun set view in the evening as well the  sun rise view in the early morning.

Sun Rise in the Early Morning

         Walking through the temple, we feel like we are roaming the ancient city at the time it was built. The sugary smiles of the stone faces on the walls of the temples make us smile unintentionally, the supernatural sculptures get us to imagine how they could do this in the past dated back to around 1000 years ago, and the size and height of the temple make us disbelieve that it was built by human beings, Khmer ancestors.

(Me) In Front of Angkor Wat Temple
My Classmate Visal and Apsara

My Professors and Classmates

When We Leave Angkor Wat

From One Corner of The Temple (Phaleak, Vatana, and Me)

My Classmate Vatana and the Sculpture (A Seven-head Dragon)

My Classmate Visal

My Classmate Pharith

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