October 27, 2013

Another Step of Life (Graduation Ceremony)

      A four-year journey has come to an end. I need to get off a bus to catch a plane in order to continue my journey to the horizon. And I have also given an air ticket, which is a Bachelor Degree (A piece of paper which is not just a paper).

26-October-2013, Cambodia Korea Cooperation Center (CKCC), Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)
October 26, 2013 is the day of IFL students, batch 21, were awarded a Bachelor degree [Bachelor of Education (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)] by the Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL), Royal University of Phnom Penh.

My family

Mr. Pom Bophan (left), Mr. Viraksereyvathana (middle), & Mr. Yav Dara (right)
Miss. Tann Boravin
Mr. Pech Sambath (left) & Miss. Chour Chantheary (right)

Mr. Vuthy Panchakrong

Miss. Hang Sochetra

Mr. Makara Sokunthearith
Mr. Lim Chanphirun
Mr. Pom Bophan, Mr. Sun Henglong, Me, Mr. Virak Sereyvathana, & Mr. Yav Dara (From left to right)

Miss. Preung Sokunousaphea, Mr. Vuthy Panchakrong, Me, and Miss. Hang Sochetra

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