November 01, 2013

Tokyo Skytree (東京スカイツリー)

      Located in Tokyo, Tokyo Skytree is the tallest tower in the world. Its height is 634 m. This tower performs multifunction; it serves both as a broadcasting and a restaurant as well as an observation tower in Tokyo. As I have known, the height of the tower is chosen as 634 m so as to make it easy to remember. The region where the tower stands were once called Musashi, an old name of the region;  6 stands for mu, 3 for sha, and 4 for si .

Tokyo Skytree, taken at night, which is illuminated in BLUE

     The tower is painted bluish white, a traditional Japanese colour (aijiro 藍白). At night the tower is illuminated in two colours, one of which is blue and the other one is purple. The two colours patterns are used alternatively daily. The colour blue represents elegantly and stylishly fashionable and the colour purple represents elegance and refinement.

Tokyo Night View from Tokyo Skytree Tower

Night View of Tokyo Skytree illuminated in Purple

Tokyo Night View from Tokyo Skytree Tower

At the Entrance of Tokyo Skytree

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