June 15, 2012

How to Write a Good Paragraph

I had never been practicing writing when I was in high school. As the time passed by, I finally became a year one student at Institute of Foreign Languages. When the teacher gave me an assignment on a particular topic, I found out that it was very difficult for me to write a paragraph even though I had many ideas relating to it. Whereupon, I tried to read as many books and other documents as I could to learn how to write a good paragraph, but it was useless and a waste of time, for I could not find out how to write it. My lecturer, finally, told me the process of writing, and I followed her. As a result, I could write a pretty good paragraph. Do you know what did she told me? Honestly speaking, in academic writing, it is not too difficult to write a good paragraph if you follow three main processes.

Brainstorming is basically considered before you start your writing. On the other word, you need to generate ideas relating to your topic as possibly as you can without worrying anything such as cohesion, coherence, unity, grammar, etc. What you need to do is how much ideas you can illustrate to support your topic. There are many different ways to do brainstorming. Here are two common strategies that are easy for us. Firstly, list making is a way you have to note all of your ideas that come to your mind about the topic. Your purpose is to illustrate as many ides as possible in a very short time and keep  flowing your ideas continuously until you are out of it. In this process, you do not need to worry about some information you find out that is completely off the topic because you can cross it out later. Another common way is free-writing. It is the activity that you write freely about the topic you want to write about. Similar to list making, in free-writing, you need to illustrate as many ideas as possible without worrying about appropriateness, grammar, sentence structure, chronological order, spelling, accuracy or organization. Remember that don’t care anything; just keep your pen moving. In addition, brainstorming is the first thing used in academic writing.

After finishing your brainstorming, you can jump to another step. It is known as organizing your idea. In this step, you need to pick up the ideas that are best relating to your topic from your brainstorming and then organize them into outline. In this step, you primarily need to write a topic sentence and its controlling ideas. After that you can write down  major supporting points and sub-points in the appropriate order about which you are going to write. To summarize, organizing ideas is a way that guides you to write the first draft.

First draft writing and re-editing are steps following the step of organizing ideas. After you have completely finished organizing your ideas, you can start writing you first draft by following the outline you have done. Write down your ideas and develop them into full relevant sentences. Remember that don’t be hesitant to add more ideas if you find out more information that is certainly relevant to your topic. Instantly, after finishing your first draft, you need to re-edit it by yourself or asking your friends to edit it for you in order to make sure that your paragraph is good enough. If you find out that it is suitable or you are satisfied about what you have written, you finally complete your paragraph. It is the final and formal paragraph you can summit to your teacher.
All in all, brainstorming, organizing ideas, and first draft and re-editing are the important processes you need in order to write a pretty good paragraph. You should realize that writing is not difficult if you follow th three processes above. In the other word, we can say that in order to be a good writer, you need to learn attentively how to write.           


  1. I admire your perfect work that you have put great effort in doing it. However, there is still something you need to focus on. That is your grammatical point, especially the use of tense. As to remind you, this is just a comment for improvement. Thx....!!!

    1. Thank you so much. Thanks for your feedback. :)
      I'll try my best to improve it. Thank.
