March 03, 2013

My impression and reflection on movie "Hitsudan Hostess"

I am not a person who own this movie. I just want to share this worth sharing movie to all of you who are interested in learning something. I really like this movie very much.

Life means you need to walk on a long way down the road with strength and hope. I am thinking whether I would be as strong as Rie-san if I couldn't even utter a single word like her. I am really impressed by her strong commitment and absolute determination in living her life meaningfully. She says that difficulty happens on a way to happiness. When one of her customers was about to commit suicide she wrote words from her heart which could help reassure him, that reassurance encouraged him to restart all over again.

Frankly, this movie reflecting the course of one's life is worth sharing. I hope that one day I will visit Ginza, the place of Rie-san's dream.

I bet you will learn something after watching this movie.

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