June 30, 2014


     On 25th May 2014, a group of State Alumni led by Mr. Hang Vuthika, together with two volunteers, conducted a Soft Skill Workshop and American Corner at the University of Management and Economy (UME) which is located in Kampong Cham province, approximately 124 km northeastern of Phnom Penh.  There were 47 students attending the workshop—7 students are high school students ( girls 57.1% and boys 42.9%) and 40 students are college students from UME (girls 55% and boys 45%). The core objective of the workshop was to enable students to learn more about the U.S education, scholarships sponsored by the U.S government available, and tips to get those scholarships. 

The Participants listening to Experience Sharing by the State Alumni
       The workshop was informative, fun, educational, and inspiring. Fun activities were brought in to energize the participants as well as to encourage them to get to know each other. Reflecting on her experience, Ms. Meas Chansatya, a junior International Studies major at the Institute of Foreign Languages who has been to the United States of America for one-semester exchange program through the U.S government sponsored program the 2013 Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD 2013) and who was one of the State Alumni team members, said "The workshop was one of the greatest project I have been involving in. I can see that participants were very interested with the workshop. They listened to us attentively and asked various questions related to how to participate in UGRAD and SUSI programs. Hence, I was very delighted to share my experience with them." 

At the end of the project, the participants didn't want to say good bye to us because they wanted to know more about American society, how to get scholarships to the U.S, and the like. However, as it was time to part, we took a group photo and returned to Phnom Penh, hoping to see them again in the near future. 

A Group Photo with the Participants in front of American Corner Center

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