July 19, 2014

"Rean Tver~Ey", Radio Talk Show

A Thank You Post by FUSAAC (Obtained from https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=670496913032859&set=pb.185526634863225.-2207520000.1405772974.&type=1&theater)

       "Rean Tver~Ey", in English "Why do We Learn? or "What We Do after Learning?", is a radio talk show organized by the Fulbright and Undergraduate State Alumni Association of Cambodia (FUSACC), with a strong support from the U.S Embassy in Phnom Penh. The main objective of this radio talk show is to help youths choose a career at their best. By the phrase "choose a career at their best", FUSACC intends to help youths to make a right decision in choosing majors in college so that they are able to find jobs they are passionate about and aspire to do.

       There are eight main contributors of this program, all of which are Ms. Neang Sophina (Project Coordinator), Ms. Hy Dalin (Project Leader), Ms. Nget Rachana (Online Marketing Team Leader),  Mr. Sok Eng (Production Team Leader), Ms. Leng Chorlida (Radio Presenter/MC), Mr. Uk Sovannara (Radio Presenter/MC), Ms. Veng Molika (Speaker/Mentor Team Leader), and Mr. Lang Mesa (Advisor). Besides, there are also many volunteers who play an active role in making this project possible.

On Air Radio Show
On Air Radio Show

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