January 05, 2015

The Change Now

Buddha: "As above, so below,         
                as without, so within."     
A man walks himself, a family needs a caregiver, and a country needs a leader. Cambodia is facing the growing political change demanded from its people. Jul28 election revealed the victory of Cambodian Peoples Party (CPP) again after decades of ruling while Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) gained more seats of 55 to 68 of CPP in the parliament. This result is not bad news for Cambodia. While some Cambodian people want CNRP to run the government, immediate change is peace nowhere in the country because the might makes right.

Prime Minister Hun Sen, in his long ruling, has been able to prevent political fragment and insecurity with the neighboring countries. Slowly, the government has also pushed 7 percent of annual economic growth, though compared to Vietnam and Thailand, Cambodias economy still lags behind. Admittedly, the government has disappointed its people for its weak constitution, corruption, and non-rights-based development, for which some people cried for change, change now. Some other people want to see a new government’s ruling. Cambodian people especially youth, thus, don’t know the consequence of change. The story goes on. If change is easy and peaceful, change deserves to be. Should there be another better alternative for both sides?

An Asian philosopher, Siddhartha, known as Buddha said The way cannot be found by either indulgence or denial. We must walk a Middle Path.” Another notion of Buddha’s teaching lies in the belief that human can control thoughts, attitudes, and behavior, and that thoughts, attitudes, and behavior have consequences. These consequences, their causes, and their control are called Karma. The CPP has lost its seats to the CNRP. Now check and balance exists. This election is a good experience for CPP. The ruling government will be more careful with its actions. People’s demands will be taken into consideration by the CPP now. The fear of the CNRP’s potentially increasing power will only change the CPP’s behavior, better and better. There will be a day of changing attitude itself, and this change is the most peaceful one for all Cambodian people. Fullness can be completed by much force, and when there are two forces at the time, maximized gain is no being just like two objects are using its forces, crashing, and breaking. Siddhartha is a symbol of happiness guider. Siddhartha’s notion can be explained and it goes like this: Cambodian people are now gaining the heart of the CPP, and it’s time that the CPP, for the next national election, must learn to gain the heart of the people. At the same time, the CNRP will be one of the most significantly important force leading to balance. The two parties are the Yin and Yang. Moreover, politics cannot be detached from society as well. Politics declines when there is social decline. Both Siddhartha and Confucius were the cultural and social preservers. Born in the warring states, Confucius used Chung-yung meaning the Mean, moderation, and normality. It is the same as equilibrium or harmony. Cambodian people must consider political and social equilibrium for prosperity. One side looking is a mistake. It’s only a force that ignites another force to break the harmony.

During the party’s campaign just before the national election, a group from CNRP called another group of CPP A Yuon. Other Cambodian people, being angry with the police man, used the same word to the same nation. This is a show of social decline and disunity among Cambodians themselves. That word should not be used on both Cambodians and Vietnamese. Remember those words, thoughts, and attitudes that cause Karma. Vietnamese will only grow hatred on Cambodians. When will such Karma end? We first must stop the cause. There is another accusation by some Cambodian people I emphasize on the ruling government. If Cambodian government serves Vietnam, it means Khmer leaders serve another nation. Put simply, a man of his kind serves another man of another kind. If possible, it’s not exact when two men, three men, and more men of their kind serve another kind. One leader alone cannot hide his political purpose. He will have to directly or indirectly share with other below bureaucracies. It is crucially important that Cambodians try to find out the truth or it will reduce trust on the government only.

Another concern is the fear of Cambodias territory loss to Vietnamese. Think now of Vietnamese people living in Cambodia as it is possible that they come, live, and take the land from Cambodians in the long process. How it can be rests on the assumption that the more Vietnamese come into the country, the more chances they might claim independence one day. Since the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, state territory came to be recognized. Boundary line was created and international community also recognized every country’s territory including Cambodia. It is impossible to think of territory loss to Vietnamese residence in CambodiaVietnamese people will live as Cambodian citizen under the countrys authority. Of course, Cambodian will not be racist and use peaceful solutions. Cambodia must stop it, but not stop it by sending all of them back to Vietnam. The government should first stop illegal migration from now on, and gives a good living environment to Vietnamese who have long lived in the country. Some Cambodians have married Vietnamese and vice versa. The intermarriage of both nations can create the next generation cohorts. As new hybrids were born, the relation between Cambodia and Vietnam can be strengthened in the future. Most of Vietnamese follow Confucius’s philosophy and some of them are Buddhist. Confucius and Siddhartha were the two Asian sages whose approaches are humanism—the philosophy emphasizing on human welfare and dignity, and the belief that human intelligence and effort are capable of improving present conditions. Both men share the same approach. With one mix culture, the two nations can live with each other well. This solution is not too tolerant and harsh but moderate place.

If one force is struggling hard and another force response hard, consequence is ahead. Cambodian people must suffer the civil armed clash again. If following the moderated force, peace and prosperity can be found with both sides compromise harmony.

           The might makes right, so can the might be changed by the mind? So the might is hard (the government) and the mind (people) softens the might.

 Confucius: "The same knife can be used to save life in a surgery or to take  a life in anger. For both good and bad purposes, strength,  flexibility, and sharpness are virtues of a knife."

Written by: Sor Virakdara
Bachelor of Art in International Studies
Edited by: Uk Sovannara 

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