April 12, 2013

Khmer Dance in Japan

     A group of Cambodian students from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and from the Royal University of Fine Art, Itako's administrative staffs, Director of Itako Hotel, JICE's staffs, and people of Itako districts are dancing Khmer dance happily in Itako Hotel which is in Ibaraki prefecture, Japan.

Dinner Time at Itako Hotel, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
We danced after having dinner.


First, we danced Romvong, which is dancing around a circle. Then we dance Saravann, which 2 people dance together in pair face to face.


After dancing was finished, we took photos together as a souvenir. 

Lim Sary (left), a delegate from Cambodia, and Yumeka Onuma(right), a Japanese high school stdent

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