April 20, 2013

An Unforgettable Experience of Cambodian Delegates of Kizuna (bond) Project

     During 10 days exposure in a study tour sponsored by Ministry of Foreign Affair of Japan cooperated with Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE), we, delegates from Cambodia, have gained many things we never undergone before. It was the very first time for all of the delegates from Cambodia to step on the land of the rising sun, Japan except for me who had been there once. 

       On 1st December morning, we arrived in Narita International Airport safely. Then, we continued to Tokyo by bus. Haggard and tired of a long traveling, some of us slept peacefully on the bus while some other still were awake because they were very surprise to see high-rise buildings, fabulous overpasses, and the like. They were not hesitant to take any photos because it was a right time for them to enjoy the beauty of city in Japan. We spent roughly one hour to get to Tokyo.

A collection of some of our photos and activities

        When arrived at the hotel at around 9a.m, one of our supervisors from JICE came to greet us and told us what to do during the first day. He put us into a group of three to be staying together in one room. We had 3 hours and a half to relax before our first lesson started. 

        At 2p.m the same day, we started our first lesson about the Earthquake and how to escape when it happens. .......( Sorry..Will finish soon,,Now sleepy 'coz it's late at night now. Hehe)

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