April 05, 2013

Life experience before, during, and after the Great East Earth Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

"Natural disaster is an unforeseen event, so we need to be well prepared to overcome it. We need to make sure that we have enough food and drink stored to survive for a few days during the disaster before the help arrives."~ Victims of the Great East Earthquake and Tsunami

On 11th March 2011, I was very shock to hear one of the most tragedies happening in eastern Japan. Thousands of lives have been taken away, and other thousands are still missing. The attached video is what two of Japanese high school students who and whose family, relatives, and friends have encountered that event.

They said that they witnessed the event through their own eyes. They saw houses falling down, electricity columns breaking down, and many others infrastructures being destroyed. They were very shocked and did not have the faintest ideas about what to do besides praying for the good sake. They told me that everything at that time was dark and gloomy. Electricity and water supply were cut down, and transportation did not work because some parts of the area were severely damaged. Roads and bridges were inaccessible. 

They wish that this kind of catastrophe would not ever happen again.  

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