November 04, 2014

Special Cambodian Foods, Fried Spiders and Crickets

                                                        "Don't judge the food by its appearance, do through your tongue."
I have seen new reports about Asian exotic foods on one of American TV programs, and amongst them was a Cambodian food. Shocked and Excited, the reporter couldn't wait to taste the newly fried spider natively called "Ah Ping (written in native language as អាពីង)" representing big spiders living underground and eaten by people. In addition, there is another weird-to-foreigner food renowned for its absolutely pleasant aftertaste; it is fried cricket "​Chong Rith (written in native language as ចង្រិត)".

អាពីង "Ah Ping" taken on the way to Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia
ចង្រិត "Chong Rith = cricket)
The fried spiders and crickets are absolutely tasty, albeit their bizarre appearance. Personally, I like these two foods so much, and I think that foreigners do too owing to the fact that many of them always stop and buy these foods whenever they visit Cambodia. Moreover, when asked how it tastes, they spontaneously response "I like it. It's my first time to try such heavenly delicious foods. I think my friends ad family would love to try it too." Well, there is no doubt that they like it. 

Besides these two considered-as-weird-foods-by-foreigners foods, I found it outlandish to see people eat pupae. I don't know how it tastes because I haven't try it yet. I'm just petrified when seeing pupae were placed in the tray waiting for customers to buy. You can see in the following picture to know why I'm afraid to eat them.

After reading about these foods, what do you think? Wanna try it? If so, come to Cambodia. Try Cambodian unique taste. Good Luck!

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