November 07, 2014

Work of Art, "the Red Indian?"

I like traveling and seeing new things, and I think you do too.Basically, a quote which goes "Traveling helps you to have new eyes" does imply that you not only see things visually through your physical eyes but also ironically those images will infiltrate into your brain through what I call inner eyes and then are transformed into something intangible to store in your heart. 

In the several following photos taken when I attended an art exhibition organized by a group of art students at my university, Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU), in Florida, you will see the livelihood of ancient people (the red Indians?). The reason I put the question mark to follow the phrase "the red Indian" because I am not sure if these pictures are about the red Indian who are indigenous to the land (USA). However, I assume it portrays the livelihood of the red Indian people owing to the fact that the way they live in their community more or less resembles that of Indian people I have seen in movies.

These photos show us that those people living in the past led a harmonious life amongst people and between people and the nature. They lived as a tribe, and the hierarchical organization of their tribe was administered by a head of the tribe.

 The learned to live with the nature. They domesticated wildlife and lived with them. (Look at the picture as an example) 

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