July 14, 2012

True friends

“True friends are when we find out that they don’t run away from us when facing the problems”~~Empire Nara

Once upon a time, there were two buffaloes, one of which was white and the other was a black one. The two lived in the same territory, but their relation was a stormy one. The white always claimed himself to be more intelligent and stronger than the black one. He never showed any respect toward his mate while the black one humbly tried to avoid conflict. 
One day, on a drizzling morning came into their territory a gorgeous, young, wild, female buffalo. The white started to feel love instantly after seeing her incomparable beauty. He tried hard in any ways in order to lure her heart. He once tried to flaunt his power by hitting his head to a big, building-like tree. He even showed his violent action toward all animals who passed by his land. He made countless promises to her, but the girl seemed to pay no attention toward him. In contrast, the black one, who was always modest, remained silent; he said only when there was something urgent. 
Living together for a long time, they started to feel like going sight-seeing. The white one asked the young, beautiful buffalo where she wanted to go. The female said that she wanted to visit the forest because she had never been visiting it for years, and she also wanted to see flower bloomed because it was spring. She told the two buffaloes that every year this time all animals, preys or predators, young or old, and single or married, were on vacation. They spent two weeks in order to enjoy their life with their families or couples.
Actually, the white buffalo didn’t want the black to go with them, but he could do nothing when the female buffalo proposed the black one to go with them.
It was Saturday that they embarked on their journey. They set off before the dawn broke and arrived in the forest, half of their way, when the dusk fell. They decided to spend a night there. Thirsty and empty, their stomach started to cry for food. The white one, who wanted to show his love his gut, said that he would go and find some food for them. But worrying about his friend, the black one insisted going with him, and the female one did too. At first, the white buffalo rejected, but when seeing their determination in their eyes, he nodded and said “OK, let’s go together!” 
While searching for food, they sensed something went wrong. They hear a horrible sound approaching in front of them. The white one, who was usually arrogant, said that he would go and see what was happening, but the blacked one calmed him down by saying “Please wait! We should be together. The enemy will not be able to defeat us if we tied together in one soul. Solidarity is much stronger than anything else in the world.” Upon hearing this, the white buffalo smiled and felt like his personality, which was so ingrained, had been changed to be a new one.
Yes, they were right. Not long, a big, powerful lion appeared in front of them. Spontaneously, the white buffalo was out of control. He was trembling with great fear. But the black buffalo lower his head toward the white’s ear and told him to be stronger. They would win over the lion if the three of them resolutely helped fight again their enemy together. With a great relief when hearing his friend inspire him like this, the white buffalo said “Yes, you’re right. We’ll win.” Then the three helped each other fight against the lion. Three hours had passed, but no side lost yet. They all, both the buffalo and lion sides, were seriously injured. But later then, the lion died at last when the white buffalo hit him on the stomach with his strong, curve, left horn.
Wounded though, the three buffaloes were very happy. They shouted with great exultation that “Finally, we know the value of true friend. True friends are those who help each other when in need. And no matter what races they are, no matter where they come from, no matter what colors their skin are, and no matter what their social statuses are, we still can be good friends. Solidarity is very important.”
Since then on, they live happily together, and treat each other like brothers and sisters who were born from the same mother.    

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